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A pamphlet on the Massacre of Blackborough by Bluebells

The Massacre of Blackborough, is there not a more perfect example of how little the humans respect the elder races. When foul Yuan-ti prowled the city, the guards drove them into the slums they had created for the elder races and walled them off inside. I tell you dear reader all manner of horrors occurred, the snakes sacrificed, butchered, and fed on elder race flesh. The humans could not help but make a bad situation worse, when the elder races were under threat from the Yuan-ti the humans sent thugs into the slums to thieve and murder. And what happens when the elder races rise up against the mistreatment of the humans? Bloody murder. As the unarmed denizens of the elder race slums rose up to escape a death pit the guards deployed thugs and their spears to butcher unarmed men, women, and children.
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