Arcanic Form Manipulation Technology / Science in Runara | World Anvil
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Arcanic Form Manipulation

Arcanic Form Manipulation is a technique that requires a living being to focus their Arcanic Form outside of their body without dying, once it has been achieved, the living being can control the form like they would their body.   An Arcanic Form, when outside a body, has the following properties:  
  • It can only collide with objects that conduct Arcana, otherwise they will just slip through
  • They can be pushed around/touched by other Arcanic Forms
  • They do not abide by gravity
  • They cannot feel pain, smell, or taste, but they can feel see and hear
  • In the event of stress, shock, or damage to the host's body, they will snap back into their bodies


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Mar 3, 2018 20:26 by Lengna Olio

ooo so what reason could some one have for trying this risky thing?

~Confused Soup