Step 4: Modify Unrest in Ruling a Fairly Tale Kingdom | World Anvil

Step 4: Modify Unrest

Back to Upkeep   Unrest increases by 1 for each kingdom attribute (Economy, Loyalty, or Stability) that is a negative number.   The Royal Enforcer may attempt to reduce Unrest during this step.   If the kingdom's Unrest is 11 or higher, it loses 1 hex (the leaders choose which hex).   If your kingdom's Unrest ever reaches 20, the kingdom falls into anarchy.   While in anarchy, your kingdom can take no action and treats all Economy, Loyalty, and Stability check results as 0.   Restoring order once a kingdom falls into anarchy typically requires a number of quests and lengthy adventures by you and the other would-be leaders to restore the people's faith in you.


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