House Rules in Ruling a Fairly Tale Kingdom | World Anvil

House Rules

* Lesser Restoration can improve a single Poison or Disease Track status on the target by one step IF a caster level check vs the afflictions save DC is made. (similar to remove curse, dispel magic, etc) This improvement can be repeated with multiple castings in the same day. * If you have BAB of +1, when standing, you can pick up a nearby weapon. * Spear Weapons are treated like Bastard Swords, allowing 1 handed use if possessiong All Martial Weapon Proficiency. * Dropping Prone will apply it's -4 to AC to any adjacent attack roll, weather it be Melee or Ranged. * Negative Level removal Saving Throws are not penalized for the Negative Levels themselves. * Negative Levels aside from those given as part of Raise Dead and greater effects can be saved at once every month if they become 'Permanent'. This is rolled after the conclusion of each Kingdom Turn, and before the start of the three intervening weeks. * Those with Rings of Sustenance can retrain during the Kingdom Turn Week


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