Exemplars of the Regalia Organization in Ruins of the Regalia | World Anvil

Exemplars of the Regalia

Exemplars are heroes of regal civilisation and faith, believed to be empowered to serve their Divines in the afterlife. Exemplars are not assigned to any particular God, but are instead believed to serve them all as they serve the empire.  
Exemplar Acacius
a regal soldier who gave up the spoils of war to feed the conquered.
Exemplar Agapetus
a dwarf priest who openly challenged his king for failing to convert.
Exemplar Anchorsimon
a regal air genasi, who vacated his contested noble house for an ascetic life of philosophy, assuring political peace within the capitol.
Exemplar Chrysoprase
a dwarf priest who gave his life while converting many of his kind.
Exemplar Candidus
a regal fire genasi who guarded a heathen’s right of sanctuary from nobles.
Exemplar Carantoc
a regal gnome who abandoned his home and wife to defeat a dragon.
Exemplar Demetus
a regal farmer turned seer, which he used to govern to the faithful.
Exemplar Didymus
a regal scholar who, though blind, was a renowned scholar and author.
Exemplar Dorothaea
a regal vestal who chose death rather than to break her vows.
Exemplar Eligius
a regal jeweller who used his wealth to teach and care for slaves.
Exemplar Eulogis
a foreign convert who was killed for restoring regal faith to his homeland.
Exemplar Euphemia
a foreign vestal who died rather than wed a regal soldier.
Exemplar Frithuswith
a frost giantess who fled her people and served as a priestess.
Exemplar Faro
a regal gnome who opened cordial relations with the wood elves.
Exemplar Gallicanus
a regal priest who was wrongly sent into exile, and simply founded a temple there.
Exemplar Ghislain
a nomad raider who took control of Ursius, was converted, and returned it.
Exemplar Gratus
a regal hunter who took in, protected and converted half-elves.
Exemplar Hallvard
a dwarf guard who gave his life protecting a vestal from evil dwarves.
Exemplar Hildegard
a dwarf matron who wrote much about regal philosophy.
Exemplar Winter Hyacinth
a tabaxi priestess who travelled far to preach the regal faith.
Exemplar Ivo
a half-orc priest who protected half-orcish rights under regal law, helping to unify them under the banner of the Regalia.
Exemplar Isidore
a regal human traveller, who dedicated his life to the accumulation of knowledge culminating in volumes of bestiaries which are still referenced today.
Exemplar Juliana
a regal mother who dedicated her life to the care of her family and community.
Exemplar Jutta
a half-orc who, when her land was laid to waste by warbands, dedicated all her children as vestals and used what remained of her wealth to care for the poor.
Exemplar Kessog
an orc warrior who brought the regal faith to the savage tribes for the first time.
Exemplar Lazar
a dwarf governor who gave his life protecting his fortress from the Regalia.
Exemplar Laorcan
a wood elf scholar and governor who converted his holding into a regal temple rather than see it destroyed.
Exemplar Lutgardis
a dwarf priestess who channelled holy power to root out corruption and greed among the dwarves.
Exemplar Malo
a regal gnome priest, who was captured by pirates, but converted them into lawful citizens, and remained with them until his death.
Exemplar Modwen
a dwarf priestess who travelled between fortresses as a healer, architect and preacher, spreading the regal faith and returning to improve civil infrastructure.
Exemplar Philothei
a regal woman who forcefully wed to a foreign man, and upon his death, used her wealth to facilitate the expansion of the Regalia.
Exemplar Quintius
a foreign diplomat who, once recalled from the Regalia during a declaration of war urged surrender in his homeland, and ensured a peaceful assimilation.
Exemplar Rainerius
as a young regal boy, took the life of a vestal and hermit, but was recalled home once his family was lost to sickness. He returned and governed well using Order as a guiding principle.
Exemplar Rabanus
a regal gnome, worked to create much of the modern understanding of the divine order of the Lattice.
Exemplar Seven Rose
a tabaxi girl who, while failing to become a vestal, established a regal school on her homeland and helped to preach unity with the Regalia.
Exemplar Sava
a regal frost genasi, who created several isolated mountain vaults for the storage of artifacts, and worked to depoliticise genasi houses from the capitol.
Exemplar Tathan
a regal man who was able to convert several tribes of goblins to the regal faith before being killed in response by neighbouring orc tribes.
Exemplar Theodore
a regal water genasi, who developed a school of thought that rejected the typical depictions of the gods in favour of more pure, abstracted concepts.
Exemplar Tydfil
a regal gnome who gave her life to organise the evacuation of her town during dragon attack.
Exemplar Turibius
a regal earth genasi who used the authority of his house to secure the rights and safety of many peoples newly incorporated into the Regalia.
Exemplar Vergilia
a regal woman who dedicated her life to mapping the land and the stars.
Exemplar Volphran
a gold skaliss who discovered the Regalia, and brought its gods and ideas back to her people.
Exemplar Yriex
a silver skaliss who acquired lands in every corner of the empire, and used his influence to map resource production.
Exemplar Zosimas
a copper skaliss who spent her life wandering the great desert, appearing to those in need and leading them back to civilisation.
Religious, Divine Host


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