Xelion Organization in Rugofen | World Anvil
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Governor: Igrene Astore, 86, Female Human Deputy:Chaor Taliyah , 24, Male Human   Xelion is not a specialty kingdom, it's kind of jack of all trades however they do excel at education.   Zackron is an old nation, has evolved throughout the years, splitting apart and reuniting, after a period of 300 years of war which whittled down the many warlord states to 6 major players. Eventually Zambia, a proud Queen and mighty fighter campaigned across all 6 uniting them, she took the first letter from each states name to make this new lands name, Xargon, X is from Xelion her nation, a from Archanea, r from Rindou, g from Granti, o from Ornoly, and n from Nethter. For the past 120 years Xargon has stood, the many competing lands and minds of the states have reunited making Xargon a beacon of learning, leading to many great works of architecture and philosophy.
Geopolitical, Province


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