Ornoli Organization in Rugofen | World Anvil
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Governor: Zackron Vassuk, 68, Male Human Deputy: Robin Elfeheart Vanderbilt III, 36, Male Tiefling   Despite its state as a natural fortress Ornoly has often had to buy its peace, due to limited agriculture in the mountains and only a strip of true farmland on the border they have needed peace with their neighbor Rindou to survive. While ruled by warlords, Ornoly warlords fed their cities from valley farming, cave agriculture and hunting while keeping small populations. Once united they would buy peace and food from Rindou, paid for by Ornoly’s lucrative mines. With their use of new industrialized fishing techniques food issues have decreased and while they rely on the rest of Xargon to help feed them it is not as bad as it once was.
Geopolitical, Province


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