Marcingetorix Character in Rugofen | World Anvil
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Marcingetorix is the hobgoblin warrior prince of The Gallica Tribe. Strong, tough and ferocious in battle, he is next in line after his father dies. Many are looking forward to his rule, as the king has slowed in his old age. He is by no means a frail old man, but there are those who look forward to the fresh, youthful energy the prince would bring.   When on the battlefield, Marcingetorix favors the berserker style. Run in, rage, and beat up everything. Simple, but effective. Yet this simple style does not mean he is a dumb brute. He is a tactician as well, putting his great strength to maximum effectiveness. During his Blooding, he lured an owlbear into a trap and caved it's skull in with a big rock. This earned him great respect within the tribe for his great kill.


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