Underscar Catacombs Building / Landmark in Rotiermont | World Anvil
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Underscar Catacombs

These catacombs are situated at a bend of the winding Helltooth. These days they are overrun with owls, which don't care about the past of the place. It is said that the catacombs are rich with treasure of magical artifacts.   Many know of the Underscar Catacombs, due to its close proximity to population centers such as Crystaldocks and Totusu, but few actually dare venture here. Located at the base of a giant scar cutting through the land, only the bravest of adventurers dare make their way here, for many have heard tales of the beasts and bandits that lurk in the area. No one is quite sure who was laid to rest here, since the ruins appear to be thousands of years old, but rumors suggest that this is the sacred resting place of Stone Bird, the Holy Warrior, and his most devoted followers.   Over the years, various groups of bandits have made this place their home, simultaneously hoping to loot the place of its alleged mystical artifacts and rob would-be adventurers seeking treasure. Presently, no known bandits live here since the most recent Totusian patrol wiped them out. If one were to step inside today, a fierce dwarf could be found resting in a corner of the entry room. Several inches of water cover the floor, and the scent of death permeates the air. Two long hallways connect the entry to a second large room, full of tables, chairs, and barrels. The stone walls give the place a feeling of constriction. A huge wooden gate faces south, smashed in and hanging off its hinges. Here the floor is dry, and the maze-like catacombs extend in every direction. Wandering through several more rooms, hallways, and dead ends, one finds a small unopened chest full of gold, from days past. These rooms contain rows of bodies lining the walls, wrapped and entombed, with several tombs opened and desecrated. Past the chest is the fresh corpse of a rogue, still clutching a cube of binding. A collapsed hallway lies nearby, and beyond lies a large pile of rubble hiding a leather armor and a long sword. Back down another hallway is a rear entrance to the catacombs, light shining through but not quite big enough for a man to squeeze through. Beyond the rear entrance lies a desiccated body of a human holding a strange, stick chess piece.


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