The Codes of the Skies in Rondo | World Anvil
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The Codes of the Skies

Attention, Crew of the Trash Panda!

As Captain of this vessel, it is my duty to ensure that we operate according to the highest standards of conduct and professionalism. To that end, I have compiled a list of codes that we must all abide by.
First and foremost, we are bound by the Code of the Spelljammers. This is a set of guidelines and principles that govern the behaviour of all spelljamming ships and their crews. It covers topics such as navigation, trade, combat, and diplomacy, and it is our responsibility to follow these rules to the letter.
In addition to the Code of the Spelljammers, we also have our own ship's code of conduct. This outlines the expectations and responsibilities of each member of the crew, as well as the rules and regulations that we must all follow. This includes things like punctuality, discipline, respect for authority, and the proper care and maintenance of our ship and equipment. I expect all of you to familiarize yourselves with these codes and to abide by them at all times. We are a team, and we must work together to ensure the success and safety of our ship and our mission. Let us always remember that we are the crew of the Trash Panda, and we must conduct ourselves with honour and dignity.
-Captain Castor Proudstorm

Articles under The Codes of the Skies


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