Hellstorm Physical / Metaphysical Law in Rondo | World Anvil
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A Hellstorm is a chaotic and destructive event. It is characterized by red lightning strikes, screams and wails emanating from the skies, and a sense of malevolent energy that seems to permeate the air. The hellstorm is often preceded or followed by a blood moon, adding to its ominous and foreboding nature.
During a hellstorm, the ground quakes and the winds howl, as if the very fabric of the world is being torn asunder. The skies are filled with dark clouds and red lightning, and the air is thick with the smell of brimstone and the sounds of tortured screams. It is a time of great danger, as the hellstorm seems to bring with it all manner of malevolent creatures and Demonic entities, attracted to the chaos and destruction.

Those who brave the hellstorm do so at great risk, for it is a place of great evil and danger. The ground is treacherous and the air is filled with malevolent energy, making it a challenge to even move or breathe. Those who are caught in the midst of a hellstorm must use all their strength and courage to survive, for it is a place where only the strongest can hope to emerge unscathed. As they may enter the storm alone, but when they leave there is more than one set of footprints.
Metaphysical, Demonic


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