Automobile Vehicle in Rom | World Anvil


Automobiles are the common units of transportation in the Idran empire. They come in a variety of sizes and configurations that allow specificity to certain tasks. Automobiles are powered by musical engines that require recharging by Academy-trained musicians every few weeks to ensure continued functioning.  

Musical Engines

Musical engines allow automobiles to travel farther than a human can by other means. Musical engines consist of using several larger than usual singing crystals to replay melodies. These melodies are almost always performed by specialized Academy-trained musicians on brass instruments. The singing crystals are struck by smaller singing crystals in a repetitive pattern that is also programmed through song. These melodies allow automobiles to float just above the roads. Automobile engines are encased in hushstone to prevent movement outside of those designed to move the vehicle.   The pace of the vehicle is governed by the driver who has a dial that allows the frequency of the striking of the singing crystals to be modulated. Increasing frequencies set up a round with the brass-fueled melodies enhancing each other in a canon. The driver also has control over the direction of the vehicle by changing the pitch of the melodies. This is accomplished by a steering wheel that connects to the musical engine and directs the positioning of the larger singing crystals within the engine.  


Drivers must be licensed by the dyna, the musical law enforcement, and must pass several tests to show that they have sufficient knowledge and technical skill to operate an automobile. Youths are not allowed to operate automobiles or apply for licensing until they have reached an appropriate age as determined by the dyna.
Complement / Crew
One driver
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
Depends on the model of automobile. Range of passengers is generally from 1 to several dozen. Cargo size also varies from a small suitcase to hauling large amounts of cargo such as the contents of a house or several tons of raw materials.

Further Reading

The Singing Crystals
Technology / Science | Jul 25, 2019

Crystals that can be primed with melodies that they will reproduce when struck

Cover image: by pixel2013