Heartpiercing Strike Spell in Rokugan | World Anvil
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Heartpiercing Strike

Battle is the art of killing, and woe betide any warrior who forgets it. With a roar, the bushi launches forward, stabbing out with their weapon to fatally impale their enemy. Even if the strike does not slay the foe, it is likely to weaken them significantly.



As an Attack and Movement action using a readied weapon, you may make a TN 4 Martial Arts (Fire) check using the appropriate skill for that weapon, targeting one character within the weapon’s range.


If you succeed, your target suffers a critical strike with severity equal to your weapon’s deadliness plus your bonus successes. The TN of the Fitness check to resist this critical strike is 3 (Air 4, Water 1) instead of the normal TN. If you fail, you suffer the Disoriented condition.

Side/Secondary Effects

New Opportunities

Fire : Before resolving the effect, move up to 1 range band toward your target.


Years of Training
Related Discipline
Kenjutsu Training
Related School
Kenjutsu, Kata
Related Element
Effect Casting Time
One action
Depends on the weapon
School Rank 3


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