Inquisitor Profession in Rogue Trader | World Anvil


Members of the Holy Inquisition, known as Inquisitors are some of the most revered and feared in equal measure. They operate above and outside the law while at the same time holding citizens of the Imperium to an exacting standard. Woe be to the individual that is found wanting in the eyes of an inquisitor. They are licensed to do nearly anything in the name of the Imperium to save the whole from enemies within and without.   The inquisition is separated into three equal branches that constant jockey for supremacy over each other. Since heresy does not always neatly fall into one of the branches purviews infighting and jurisdictional disputes are common and sometimes violent though even inquisitors will usually stop short of physical altercations, instead they will twist the situations in question to their own purposes and deem the offending inquisitor a heretic so that they are tried and commonly found guilty of heresy which will then proceed on to government sanctioned execution.    The three branches of the Holy Inquisition are:   The Ordo Xenos: The Ordo Xenos (Alien Hunters) are charged with rooting out and destroying any exterior non-human sources of interference in the day to day life of the imperium, be it the citizenry or the efficiency of it's function. These inquisitors tend to be hard liners against any alien species not fully human. Some may have sympathies to human mutants but most do not, viewing the uncorrupted human for as a holy temple not to defaced in any way and any deviance from what is considered normal can be seen as heretical and destroyed with prejudice.   The Ordo Malleus: The Ordo Malleus (Demon Hunters) are charged with finding and ending any activity that is known to be connected to the warp, the ruinous powers or demons which constantly rip at the edges of reality and infect the citizenry with lies about the society in which they serve. The Ordo Malleus inquisitors are subject to some of the most enervating forces in the known galaxy regularly and their mental fortitude is tested near constantly by demons and those that serve the dark powers. These members are more likely to accept help from xenos and mutants but there will almost never be true trust between the races. These inquisitors see the dark heart of the void and it is focused on their destruction.   The Ordo Hereticus: The Ordo Hereticus (Witch Hunters) are charged with finding the corruption that flows from the warp and distorts the imperium to it's will. These inquisitors constantly find themselves at the center of intrigues and plots to subvert the imperium, corrupting it to the will of the dark gods. These inquisitors tend to focus their efforts on destroying mutants that are not sanctioned and heretical ideas and cults that constantly spring up around the galaxy and pull the citizens away from the Imperial Creed.



Inquisitors come from all walks of life. Some served in the military branches before, others were assassins or policing forces, and still others could of been simple functionaries, religious zealots or even the lowest scum of society risen up from the dregs of their peers. The most important thing about any inquisitor is their effectiveness. The ends do in fact justify the means.

Career Progression

Inquisitors begin as acolytes after they are chosen by an existing inquisitor. They are constantly sent into nearly impossible situations and are expected to survive and complete their objects with efficiency. Most acolytes die before they advance along the path to becoming an inquisitor in their own right.   Once they have proven to be capable over years or decades of service in constant terrible conditions they are brought into the inner circle and work directly with their inquisitor on imperium altering missions of import. The risk is high and if anything happens to the inquisitor on their watch then their journey will likely end as well.   Finally after many years more of unimpeachable service kind inquisitor lords will give them the nod and nominate them to join the ranks of inquisitorial service where they will in turn choose multiple teams of their own acolytes and begin the process all over again.

Payment & Reimbursement

Inquisitors are known for their blind faith in the Imperial doctrine that man was meant to rule the stars and no others. They are well cared for but it is rare that they have enough leisure time to effectively spend their hard earned throne gelt. Only in death does service end.

Other Benefits

Near limitless access to hidden knowledge and command over some of the most powerful forces the Imperium of man can muster, but all of these things must be earned by putting themselves between the forces bent on the imperium's destruction.



The purpose of the inquisition is to act as a scalpel and cut out the evil and infections that constant eat at the imperium. The Inquisition stands not to protect individuals but the status quo that the imperium as a whole has established.

Social Status

These individuals are above the law and apart from it. They operate on their own time table and will do whatever is necessary to get the job done, consequences be damned.
Alternative Names
Agents of the Throne
Intelligence Gathering
High demand, both a luxury for those in the role and a staple for others to fear their power.


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