Session 06 Report in Rodinia | World Anvil

Session 06

General Summary

Magma Force found themselves back in the city of Cauldron. The city was under martial law and the majoy was missing. Morgan had recently become Lord with the death of his cousin and was now the owner of a delapidated estate in Redgorge. Redgorge was under seige by an army of demons from the Demonskar, lead by the Lord of the Demonskar, Nabthatoron. And Harley was in possession of the legendary artifact, Alakast, whose soul purpose was to destroy said demon lord. There was clearly only one course of action available to our noble heroes.   Camero used a magical ritual to contact the leader of the Chisel in Redgorge and gain some information as to what was going on. He was able to confirm that the village was under seige and only just holding out. He was also able to tell the group that Nabthatoron was currently watching the battle from the south ridge overlooking the village. Armed with this information the group summoned Sharpbeak the Eagle and his family and took to the air.   Within less than an hour the eagles covered the ground a horse would have taken the best part of a day to travel. They soared high above the village and allowed the party to take a good look at what was going on. Sure enough it was as the Chisel had said and they were able to spot the Demon Lord on a ridge to the south. He was surrounded by small demon minions and Camero wisely told his companions that this was typical behaviour of powerful demons - that they would surround themselves with lesser demons whilst keeping any real threats to them a distance away. Thus it was decided that landing near the minions and moving in on Nabthatoron, fighting their way through his minions would probably be the safest option. The eagles descended and the group disembarked in a clearing a few hundred feet from the Demon Lord.   As the heroes stepped out onto the path which led to the Demon Lord, all hell broke loose. Demons swarmed in from every side. Hound-like canoloth demons with huge long tongues attacked from range whilst evistro demons rampaged into the melee with little regard for their own lives and a desire to cause havoc. Camero was in his element. Spellfire, force bolts, ice and energy lanced from the wizard's fingers spilling demonic blood left, right and centre. Gotrek and Morgan made a breach head to protect him and Harley darted in and out skewering any he could pick off. Braken stood resolute in the middle of the chaos, bolstering his friends, healing those hurt and blasting demons to pieces with lances of holy fire. It was very one sided and the demon minions did little but slow the heroes of Magma Force down. Until they reached the bridge which separated them from the towering figure of Nabthatoron.   Nabthatorn, a glabrezu demon standing some twenty feet tall, and Lord of the Demonskar, turned as he heard the commotion behind him. He saw a trail littered with the bodies and remains of his minions and a ball of death coming his way that was Magma Force. He also saw Alakast, a weapon he had encountered some seven hundred years ago. He realised he needed to take action. Springing to the air the Demon Lord flew over the remaining minions' heads, over Gotrek and Morgan, to land on the bridge next to Harley and the artifact, Alakast. He launched a blast of evil at all those around him and they were all dazed. But Harley recovered enough to point Alakast at the Demon Lord and the artifact unleashed a powerful curse on the glabrezu. The group saw the demon physically shrink before their eyes, and much of his strength was drained. But he was still a Demon Lord and no push over!   Morgan was held up by minions which Camero helped him clear up with spellfire. Meanwhile Braken, Harley and Gotrek surrounded Nabthatoron and were blasted by his powers. But they were able to begin to concentrate their abilities on him and slow him down. Then Morgan, freed from minions by Camero's spells, arrived. He called upon the Justice of St. Cuthbert and smote the Demon Lord. Nabthatoron staggered and found himself weakened and dazed. The rest, sensing victory, dived in to make sure he could not recover from this state and they struck him with everything they had. The Demon Lord was overcome and within seconds Harley plunged Alakast into his throat. Nabthatoron exploded in a blast of holy power and his soul was seen being ripped back to the Abyss. The Lord of the Demonskar was gone.   Upon the death of Nabthatoron the demons under his thrawl seemed to break. the lesser demons fled and here and there fights broke out as greater demons began the battle for supremacy with their last master gone. Magma Force heard a cheer coming from the village below and realised the Seige of Redgorge was over, thanks to them. Suddenly a voice behind them greeted them. Turning they saw Nidrama coming out of the bushes. She smiled and congratulated the party on their victory for the forces of good. She told them that Alakast's job here was done and Harley handed the artifact over to her. In return she gave Braken a ritual which she said would allow him to contact her and ask her advice. Whilst she was there they asked her some questions about the Cagewrights and she was able to tell them that she believed the Cagewrights' leader was a demon called Dyr'ryd. This demon had formed the Cagewrights some 300 years ago but for what purpose she was not sure. She said he had released 13 demons onto the world and they had ravaged anything they could till they were destroyed. A few of these couplings bred unsavory offspring with the taint of demonic heritage. These were born with a Carcerian sign on their faces which was invisible in normal circumstances. These were known as the Shackleborn. What their significance was she did not know.   Thanking them again, Nidrama took Alakast and vanished into thin air.
Report Date
11 Apr 2024