Session 05 Report in Rodinia | World Anvil

Session 05

General Summary

Wiping the blood and gore off their collective blades the brave stalwarts of Magma Force decided that the staircase might offer an interesting location to explore. They popped up there and Harley had the locked door opened in a jiffy. Beyond was a small room and Camero stopped everyone entering as he noticed suspicious markings on the floor. A good search determined there were in fact two traps in this room - a scything pendulum trap and a flame nozzle trap. The group were able to make some headway into disarming the first few parts of the trap when Camero decided to try blasting the door opposite to pieces with his magic. A few seconds later he had the door in pieces to reveal a further temple beyond and rising from his sleeping position on a bed of treasure was a sleek, fearsome and very dangerous looking black dragon.   The dragon politely introduced itself as Dhorlot the Dragon Father and Camero immediately wondered if this was the same dragon who had captured his mother all those years ago and who he suspected of being his father. Morgan introduced Magma Force to the dragon and the two began a parlay. The group asked the dragon what he knew of Zenith and Dhorlot explained that Zenith was now in fact leader of the kuo-toans who had raised him to that position on account of his gift of prophecy. He told the party exactly where Zenith's chamber was in the fortress. Dhorlot asked if the party had encountered Gotrrod the Red and when told they had fought and killed the red dragon, Dhorlot seemed very pleased but warned them not to brag of it for fear of Hookface. The group asked Dhorlot what his plans were and he replied that he thought he might return to the southern jungles where he used to be Lord over a Minotaur clan. He liked it there and was thinking of returning, now the group had ruined his fun here. It was clear both sides prefered the option of not tangling with one another. The party decided they had got enough information and so prepared to leave but before they did Dhorlot asked that Camero come into his inner sanctum so he could talk privately with him. Camero agreed and the two were alone for ten minutes or so. What did they discuss, we wonder?   The group left Dhorlot's lair and followed his instructions to locate the chamber where Zenith was supposed to be hiding out. The found it easily and opened the door a sliver to peek in. Inside they saw a dwarf who they assumed to be Zenith dozing on a throne made of skins. Next to him stood a kuo-toan whip with the biggest ceremonial headress they had seen on any of the whips so far in the fortress. Alongside the whip was a hulking bugbear warrior - perhaps his bodyguard? And milling around the room were half a dozen or so kuo-toan minions, tending different duties or just idlying chatting. Feeling a bit battered from their experiences with the traps guarding Dhorlot's lair the party decided that they were best off being fully rested before taking on this sort of a fight so they returned back down to the hatchery and secreted themselves behind the portcullis there, setting a guard and waiting out a full twenty four hours before preparing to go back and capture/resuce Zenith. When they came out of their hiding place they immediately noticed that the dragon had snuck out in the night and was nowhere to be seen.   Returning to Zenith's chamber the party once more opened the door a sliver and peaked in. The guards were now all arrayed in a line in front of Zenith's throne and on alert. Something had made them realise that there was a threat coming. Had the dragon betrayed Magma Force? Anyway, this line of defenders made Camero smile and the party burst in and the wizard threw in a fireball which ripped through the kuo-toan ranks sending bits of charred flesh everywhere. When the dust cleared all that was left was Zenith, who was waking up on his throne, and the chief whip and his bugbear bodyguard. Battle was joined. Camero spotted a magical circle of power enscribed in the centre of the floor and realised it was a teleportation circle of some sort; anyone stepping into it would be teleported elsewhere. But where?   Battle was joined. Zenith sprang from his throne and drew axe and shield and Morgan rushed into engage him. A spell from Camero put the bugbear bodyguard to sleep and Harley quickly executed it. Then the whip threw his slime vortex, knocking everyone all over the place, including sending Gotrek sprawling into the teleportation circle! He found himself down in the main temple on the platform by the huge idol and had to start the long run back to the combat up three flights of stairs. From here on the battle raged for a long time. Zenith was a master bull rusher and continually kept pushing our heroes into the teleportation circle, meaning he and the whip hardly ever had to deal with all four of them at once. Camero and the whip had a mighty battle of magic which was fairly even until Camero realised his magic would be much more effective on the dwarf, who was heavily armoured but not so nimble on his feet. So Camero began blasting Zenith with arcane spells whilst Harley switched to pummelling the whip. Morgan and Gotrek kept Zenith busy and tried to avoid getting pushed into the teleportation circle. Eventually their persistence and change in tactics ground the dwarf down and finally he was knocked unconscious. This left only the whip, who was still a dangerous foe but he was no match for the four members of Magma Force. The party cheered as they finally downed him.   In this room they found two large ceramic pots which they opened (one of which blasted them with a wave of thunder from a glyph trap) and discovered large amounts of treasure. They also took Zenith's magical armour and axe from him for the time being. They collected all their gear together, bound the dwarf and headed out of the fortress. The enigmatic kuo-toan ferryman arrived and ferried them across the water without incident and they made a careful and speedy return to the surface. They came out into a glorious spring morning on the mountain sides of northern Mochica. Morgan summoned Sharpbeak and his family and the group mounted and flew back to the city of Cauldron through the beautiful morning vista.   Swooping over the walls of the city Morgan directed Sharpbeak to land near the Cusp of Sunrise so they could deliver Zenith. Crowds gathered to watch them fly in and ooooh and ahhhh in appreciation of the giant eagles. Then pushing through the crowds came a self important tax collector in a distinctive tall hat and red tabbard. He was escorted by half a dozen or so heavily armed half-orcs, wearing the livery of the city guard. The tax collector demanded a fifty gold piece "Adventurers Tax" from each of the party. The party were shocked at this new tax and refused to hand over the money. They said they would go to the town hall and pay later, and the tax collector was half flattered and half intimidated into leaving them alone for now. The collector set off leaving many bystanders muttering about unfair taxes. Renjin, the very polite doorman at the Cusp of Sunrise nearly fainted when the party opened the door, still in full battle array, covered with blood and gore and dragging a bound and unconscious bloody dwarf with them. The party apologised and asked if Celeste was around and Renjin said no but told them Lord Vhalantru was inside and wanted to see them. They said they would be back soon, and left to go and clean up and change into more appropriate clothes.   Returning to the Cusp of Sunrise a few hours later in their posh clothes, having cleaned themselves up the party brought the still unconscious Zenith with them. Renjin wasn't too pleased to be letting an unconscious body into the Cusp but as he was now cleaned up he relented. The party spotted Lord Vhalantru played gem snatcher but there was no sign of Celeste. Shortly Vhalantru left the game table, grabbed a bottle of port from the bar and a glass for all and joined the party at their table. He apologised on behalf of Celeste for her not being there as she had urgent family matters to attend to and said he would take Zenith and deliver him to his father on her behalf. He handed over 3600 gold in what he said was diamond dust, but which turned out to be residium, and a year's membership of the Cusp for each of them, on Celeste's behalf. The group then spoke to him a bit about the tax collectors and the unrest in the city. Vhalantru opened up to them and told them of his fears for the government of the city and his concerns about possible corruption in the administration. Where were the taxes going? What about the flood tax that had been collected - there were no signs of it being used to rebuild the lower levels of the city. What about these half orcs? They were now being brought into the city guard to work as protection for the tax collectors. Under whos authority and who was paying for them? Vhalantru was clearly concerned about the running of the city at the moment and from what the party had experienced outside with the crowds displeasure at the tax collectors, so were the general populace. The group thanks Vhalantru for his time and information and left the Cusp to go and pay their 50 gold Adventurers Tax before they got into trouble.   So, the party had successfully completed another mission. They had braved the depths of an Underdark fortress to rescue a long lost hero of the city. They had killed the dragon Gotrrod, son of Hookface, and had encountered Dhorlot the Dragon Father. They had returned to the city to find the levels of civic unrest growing and a somewhat surprising accusation from a noble that he suspected the upper levels of the government of corruption. What was next for the brave and heroic Magma Force?
Report Date
11 Apr 2024
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