Session 04 Report in Rodinia | World Anvil

Session 04

General Summary

The fight was over. Dyr'ryd was dead and his devil minions slain or routed. Overhead the metallic branches of the Tree loomed ominously. The instructions for the Dispersal Collar were simple - attach it to the base of the Tree and wait. Camero buckled the tree with the collar and immediately an intense light shone out as the power of the erupting volcano was harnessed and dispersed. The collar was doing its job. But the volcano was not giving up without a fight. The whole mountain shuddered slightly and cracks began to appear in the roof of the chamber, rubble and dust falling on our heroes' heads. Gotrek took one look at the chamber and declared it to be unsafe.   Escape became the number one priority so, stopping only to collapse the roof and pile furniture in front of the doors so as to make sure no one could sneak back in and stop the collar doing its job, the party rushed through the corridors of the Fiery Sanctum back to the teleportation circle that they had entered in through. Camero arranged the sigils and set the destination to the Cathedral of Wee Jas up in the city above them. The portal was opened and the group stepped through into the empty Cathedral. They moved out onto the deserted streets as the city lurched under their feet again. Morgan mentally summoned Sharpbeak and the eagle and his friends soon arrived swooping in from the roiling purple skies. The heroes mounted up and took off.   The ground under their feet lurched and buckled as the power of the errupting volcano was dispersed. Just as Sharpbeak and his companions launched the group into the skies the ground gave a huge final shudder and a massive crash was heard as a cloud of ash and dust rose into the skies. The eagles circled higher and higher rising above it. As the cloud settled the group looked down on Cauldron, forever changed. The signature ring of rock which gave Cauldron its name was shattered. The waters of the lake were pouring down through the cracks and cascading down the mountainside. Cauldron would never be the same again.   But above them the gate to Carceri collapsed in on itself and suddenly where before the clouds were purple and green with crashes of electricity and necrotic energies, now there was an evening sun, breaking though the clouds and shining beautifully on our Heroes as they flew off into the evening skies. The party flew straight to Redgorge where most of the citizens of the city were now camped and where the council were based. The people were all out on the streets of the village - they had seen the portal in the skies above Cauldron collapse and as Magma Force flew in they cheered and screamed and clapped their heroes. The party landed and were swamped with well wishers and villagers alike. An impromptu party broke out and everyone celebrated the saviours of the city. The next few months saw changes in the city of Cauldron. The populace returned and began to rebuild the city. Buildings, walls, roads and facilities all needed repair and reconstruction. The party helped out of course, especially Harley who donated large amounts of his personal wealth to various projects to help the poorer people of the city. There were some who wondered at where he got this fabulous wealth from and contacts with the Last Laugh thieves guild were even rumoured about at one stage, but no one really minded as he was helping the poor and that was appreciated by all.   Harley started up a wine importing consortium and with the help of his merchant contacts in the city grew rich and influential through his wealth, taking a seat on the city council as one of the more influential merchants. His relationship with Teri, the city Chancellor, developed but she was not completely committed to him and he wondered if the rumours of his suspicious underworld connections were to blame.   Morgan was quickly voted into permanent position as the Lord Mayor of the city, changing the constitution but meaning his was a position of casting vote only in the case of ties for any votes on the council. His manor house in Redgorge was completed and the city built Magma Force a complex on one of the islands that remained in place in the south eastern corner of the city. The group released the beautiful Celeste from the magical prison Lord Vhalantru had put her in and Morgan began to court her, although slowly at first after the experiences he had had with Lady Thifirane earlier .   Braken was told by High Priestess Jenya that she was moving on. She had been promoted to the position of High Inquisitor of St. Cuthbert and would be moving to Sasserine. As such there was a position vacant and Braken was to become the new High Priest of St. Cuthbert in the city. They were jointly invested in their new roles in a huge ceremony in Sasserine and the whole group attended. Jenya also suggested that with the disappearance of the Cathedral of Wee Jas (it had not survived the collapse of the city) there was now no permanent teleportation circle in the city and so perhaps Braken should make one in the Church of St. Cuthbert. He agreed and set to making one which took him a year and a day.   Gotrek meanwhile was approached by the captain of the guards, Skylar Krewis and asked to become the new Captain Commander of the city watch, by general request from the soldiers of the city who liked the dwarf's no nonsense approach. He agreed and after being ratified by the city council became Lord Captain Commander Gotrek. The soldiers also redesigned the banner of the watch making it a rampant boar in honour of their new commander.   Camero and Shensen were married in a quiet ceremony of only a few people. They were amazed when the Cardinal of Farlanghn arrived in the city from the main land to officiate at the service - apparently Meerthan had told him of their plans. Whilst he was in the city he also invested the two of them as priests of Farlanghn and helped Shensen set up shrines at each of the gates to the city. Camero continued to speak with Vortimax Weer and gave him some money to help rebuild his potion store. The old mage asked Camero if he was any closer to tracking down the Slayer. Camero told him it was one of his main priorities.   Camero found and spoke to Charlie Kilkarin who was now back to going by the name Myrddin and who had shaved his head and put on a robe - looking much more mysterious than when first they had met him. Charlie told Camero that he had heard the Slayer talking about going and setting up a base in the Black Swamp, which Myrddin remembered from his time tracking Embril and Alurad in Albion far to the north. Camero was able to research the code to a teleportation circle of an ancient fey circle in the forest of Eldaran on the edge of Albion. They had a way to get there. Myrddin suggested that they track down Sir Harken, leader of the Knights of the Sun, when they got to Albion as he knew lots about the Slayer from his time in the order.   During the year that Magma Force rebuilt their lives and the city of Cauldron, one other event of great import occurred. One day, out of the blue, an unbelievably big red dragon appeared in the skies above Cauldron, circling and circling. The citizens of course panicked and Magma Force came onto the streets to find out what was happening. The dragon slowly circled lower, her dragon fear splashing the cobbles of the city as she descended. This dragon was so big and fearsome looking, even the heroes of Magma Force were slightly unnerved. She landed on the walls (crumbling a section) and called for the Protectors of the City to come forward. Magma Force did so.   She eyed them up and asked them if they were the ones who slew her mate, Hookface. When they admited it she told them that she was forced to respect their power and achievements. She mentioned that they should respect her greater power too. She said that she understood that they have the knowledge, power and means to come to her lair and disturb her rest. She is not keen on that idea. She said that they have to respect that she has the power to cause untold damage to the city they protect.   With that in mind she proposed a truce for 10 years between the city of Cauldron and herself. She was willing to pay a large price for that truce. She offered the Protectors of the City one of her children each to use as their mounts for the ten years that the truce holds, on the proviso that these children of hers were not to be harmed in any way. The group accepted her offer of a truce and each of them took a young red dragon as a steed. Morgan refused the dragon steed but accepted the truce.   14 long months had passed since the earthquake which had sundered the city. It was now a sweltering July in the year 670 AR and Magma Force collected together in the Church of St. Cuthbert surrounding the new teleportation circle Braken had crafted. They had put the affairs of the city and their personal lives in order and were bedecked in all their adventuring gear once more. Camero spoke words of power, and before them appeared a shimmering portal. Through it they could see an old abandoned temple of Corellon and inside the temple a half dozen or so hill giants! The giants of course had seen the portal that had appeared in the middle of the temple and were moving to investigate. Making sure that they built a beachhead around the portal to make sure no giants crossed into Cauldron Magma Forced rushed in and engaged. Seconds later the half dozen giants were dead. At this stage the group noticed a lone human woodsman with bow and sword who had crept into the temple when the fight was going on. He approached cautiously and they greeted him but it was clear he didn't understand their language. A few other languages were tried and then the woodsman spoke to them in heavily accented elven that Camero understood.   He introduced himself as Eadric of Eastward, and as a ranger in these parts. Apparently the giants had been giving his band of men lots of problems since they arrived here and having watched the party destroy a group of them, he wondered if they could take out the hill giant chieftan for him. If they could do that he was certain that his rangers could harry the rest of the giants until they left. In exchange he would provide the party with information and a map. They agreed and Eadric lead the group out of the ruined temple to his small band of foresters who were hiding outside.
Report Date
11 Apr 2024
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