Session 03 Report in Rodinia | World Anvil

Session 03

General Summary

Magma Force found themselves at the entrance to a place that Kauophon called the Plain of Cysts. He said that this was once a great battlefield between celestials and demons and that each cyst was the body of a dead celestial or a good-aligned object which was slowly being absorbed back into the fabric of Occipitus. The lantern of guidance shone directly into the plain so the party followed Morgan as he lead them in.   Not far into the plain, the lantern directed the group to turn north and as they did a strange eightlegged lizard came around a corner towards them. Camero identified it as a basilisk and said it could turn them to stone if they were not careful. Morgan planted the lantern in the floor and went to engage the basilisk. The rest scattered outward, trying to avoid getting too close to the creature. Suddenly those stood nearby the lantern, including the basilisk and the lantern itself, were teleported back to the start of the Plain of Cysts. Those who were a little further away from the lantern were left behind and had to run back to the fight. Soon the basilisk was felled and Morgan managed to shake off the feeling of his skin slowly turning to stone.   The group chatted about what this meant and they realised that perhaps the Test of Resolve was all about being resolved to keep followin the lantern regardless of any distractions. They headed back into the Plain of Cysts, following the lantern light and after some time Camero noticed a pair of clearly magical gloves just sitting there inside a cyst, unguarded. There was a brief discussion and Morgan and the rest carried on along the path slowly whilst Camero detoured to check out the cyst. He tried to plunge his hand in but found the cyst was quite solid, although he felt that a sword or spear could pierce the cyst. But it was decided to leave the gloves alone and carry on the path.   A long time later, the lantern having lead them on a winding path through the cyst field, Camero noticed something of significance. In many of the cysts they passed by they say the bodies of angelic creatures, slowly being consumed by the landscape. But in one they were about to pass Camero was certain he saw the wings of the angel twitch. Taking a second look he was convinced! Camero and Braken went to try and cut the angel out of his cyst whilst Morgan stopped on the path, surrounded by his companions. Camero and Braken cut the angel from the cyst and suddenly Braken was hit with a premonition that things were about to go bad. A scarab beetle came out of the angel's mouth and skuttled into its ear. The angel stepped out of the cyst and suddenly the lantern and all those nearby found themselves teleported back to the start of the plain again! Braken and Camero had been left behind! Morgan, Harley and Kaurophon began to fight the create which had revealed itself as a mass of scarab beetles surrounding the dead flesh of an angel. Braken and Camero rushed across the plain, trying to reach the scene of the fight as the others battled. Morgan called upon the powers of St. Cuthbert to weaken and daze the creature, which Camero later identified as a lamia, but it was still able to send a wave of beetles which swarmed over Morgan, hurting him badly. But Morgan's holy power was able to so completely restrict the lamia's options that the group were able to hold them up till Braken and Camero arrived. Braken helped keep Morgan standing, whilst Camero used spellfire to blow the lamia apart.   This time resovled that nothing would distract them from the path the group once more set off into the Plain of Cysts and after a very long time wending and winding their way through the strange lanscape they eventually came to a teleportation circle which the lantern light shone right into. Morgan resolutely stepped into the circle and disappeared and the rest duly followed. They arrived in a fibrous forest and there to greet them was another mummy proctor. It congratulated them on passing the Test of Resolve and told them that the final test was the Test of Sacrifice. The lantern pointed straight towards the Skull mountain in the centre of the plane. The group gathered up their gear and set out.   Passing out of the fibrous forest the party saw a big open plain leading to the foot of the Skull. They headed off and as they travelled the number of ulcers which were visible on the ground increased. Many were simply oozing but some spurted fountains of red gunk into the air. The party headed onwards and when they got to within about half a mile of the foot of the Skull, still following the lantern light, they spotted the silouette of a soaring dragon in the sky. Unfortunately, it spotted them about the same time and came swooping down to attack. Morgan moved to the front and tried to convince the dragon that it would be best off leaving them alone. It ignored him so Camero tried to send it to sleep with a spell. It shook that off and soared in, breathing acid all over Camero as the others scattered. Morgan rushed in and challenged it with St. Cuthbert's might and the fearsome dragon was dazed and weakened. Harley ran in to melee it, Camero continued to blast it and Braken aided his companions with prayers. The dragon let out a billowing roar and stunned Morgan which broke Morgan's power over the dragon. It rolled to its feet and started to lay about the companions with acid breath and claw but the group all surrounded it and nearly finished it off with spell and blade. Then as the dragon was nearly dead, it sprang majestically into the air and was gone, flying off to the far side of the Skull where it descended towards the ground once more.   The group bandaged themselves up and pressed on, following the lantern light. Soon it lead up to a cyst at the foot of the Skull and seemed to point right into the cyst itself. Inside the cyst was a dark opening - maybe a tunnel? Next to the cyst the party found an angelic creature who was pinned to the ground with iron bolts and passed out, alive. Kaurophon recognised it as Saureya, an angel he had met a year or so ago. Braken healed the angel and it came around so the group questioned it. It turned out that Saureya had been one of the last angels still alive when Occipitus had broken off from Celestia and fallen into the Abyss. Adimarchus had taken this angel and made him his personal jester. The fallen angel, now Demon Prince, had tortured Saureya over many hundreds of years. During this time Saueya had implanted in Adimarchus mind an idea to create this Test of the Smoking Eye and had in fact been responsible for its creation. He knew all about the Test but refused to tell the party more, other than the fact that a rakshasa and his fire giant body guard had recently passed into the Skull to attempt the last test. They were the ones who had nearly killed Saureya. The group asked many questions about the Test and about Saureya's past but were unable to glean any great information from him. They did decide that after the fight with the dragon they were in no fit state to take on a rakshasa and a fire giant so they looked around for a place to camp with a view to entering the Skull and seeing what was what after a good refreshing rest...
Report Date
11 Apr 2024