Session 03 Report in Rodinia | World Anvil

Session 03

General Summary

Morgan, Harley and Camero looked out upon the kuo-toan fortress of Bhal-Hamatugn from their vantage point above the cavern in which it is built. They descended down the switch back path to the cavern floor to discover they hada arrived on a beach which stretched as far as the eye could see to left and right. Ahead of them was a stretch of misty water and beyond that they knew lay the fortress where Zenith Splintershield was supposed to be held captive.   Whilst trying to decide what to do, a dark figure emerged from the mist. It was a boat, poled by a fish-like humanoid which Camero identified as a kuo-toan. Half expecting a fight the party waited and the kuo-toan boatman pulled up a few feet away. Morgan called out to him and though the party could not understand his speech, the fishman seemed to understand the common tongue and they agreed that he would take them across the water. The ferryman dropped the party off safely and then poled his boat off into the mist once more.   The party looked up to see a looming fortress ahead, shaped like a huge fish. Stairs lead up into the fish's mouth and great empty eyes looked down upon the beach. The party spotted movement in the eye sockets and realised they were balconies on which many kuo-toans were looking out. It was immediately clear these kuo-toans were not as friendly as the ferryman as they loaded and fired crossbows at our heroes! The party rushed up the stairs and into the fortress to get out of crossbow range. However this took them into the main guard room where a big fight errupted. Camero started off by throwing a fireball into the guardroom which killed all bar two of the creatures in there. The harpooners then attacked and they were soon suported by the four crossbow men from the eye sockets above who rushed down the stairs to help their companion guards. The party were out numbered and out matched by 6 guards and when Morgan fell to the floor unconscious it was only a matter of time before they were overwhelmed.   Morgan, Harley and Camero awoke sometime later in a cell. They were surprised to find all their gear was still on them, including weapons and armour. As such it was easy for Harley to pick the padlock which kept them in and they were out in a jiffy. They found two other prisosners in the cells with them but after a brief chat with them decided both were best left alone, locked up. They moved on down a staircase and into a torture chamber which was knee deep in water. As they crossed it an evil mummy rose from the waters and attacked! It was fairly easily dispatched and the party continued on. The corridor ended in a secret door which they opened to discover a massive temple dedicated to the evil kuo-toan goddess, Blibdoolpoolp. Inside the temple were many kuo-toan worshippers, some harpooners on balconies high above, and a kuo-toan whip - a priest of sorts - who seemed to be deep in some evil ritual.   The party surprised the kuo-toans and used that surprise to destroy most of the worshippers in the main temple area. But during this time the 4 harpooners rushed down from the top balconies and engaged the party. The whip continued his evil ritual on a mid level balcony above the fight. It was a very hard fight but the group just managed to kill the 4 harpooners as the whip finished his evil ritual and summoned a chain devil! The chain devil and whip entered combat together and the party were in mortal peril, but some good tactics and a bit of luck saw them overcome the evil menace and win the day.   They collected a few thousand gold in treasures and a few healing potions, plus a magical bag which were being sacrificed to the evil god but which the party decided they would make better use of. The group were battered and beaten up but felt like they had destroyed the worst menace in the fortress, yet they still had no idea where Zenith was. Would they push onwards or would they retreat back and rest up, risking that their prize might disappear...?
Report Date
11 Apr 2024
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