Session 02 Report in Rodinia | World Anvil

Session 02

General Summary

Morgan, Harley and Camero engaged Gotrrod, son of the legendary dragon Hookface in a battle to the death over the top of Crazy Jarred's hut. The battle was long, ranging and fierce and Morgan was knocked unconscious but the heroes prevailed and Gotrrod, son of Hookface was slain. Camero took Gotrrod's head as a trophy. The party rested over night in Jared's hut and were rewarded by "King Jared" for "saving the kingdom".   The next day Morgan, Harley and Camero descended into the Pit of Seven Jaws and at the bottom encountered the fabled cryohydra who lived there. Yet another fierce fight ensued and the group brought all their power to bear and defeated it relatively easily. They found the frozen body of a drow in the hydra's lair and recovered some magical items from him. They decided to return to Crazy Jared's hut and rested up before making their descent into the Underdark proper. The next day the party went in once more and followed a long deep fissure into the depths of the earth. After a few hours they came across a small cavern in which were the bodies of 5 drow elves. Approaching to search them for loot the party were surprised as the dead spirits of three of the dark elves rose up out of the bodies and attacked those who would disturb their rest! A tough fight ensued but Camero used his Flaming Sphere to good effect and the wraiths were vanquished. The drow bodies had some items of value on them which were distributed between the party. The party continued on and reached a huge cavern, coming out on a ledge high on the cavern side. A switch back path lead down the cavern side to the floor which was shrouded in a deep mist. On the far side of the cavern the party could make out a massive structure built in the shape of a giant fish and there was a staircase leading up out of the mist into the fish's open mouth. This must be the Kuo-toan fortress of Bhal-Hamatugn!
Report Date
11 Apr 2024
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