Session 01 Report in Rodinia | World Anvil

Session 01

General Summary

Spring came to Cauldron. Whilst wandering down Magma Avenue on a crowded shopping day suddenly normality was wrenched assunder as an umber hulk burst from the ground under a warehouse and began smashing the building to pieces. Magma Force drew weapons and leapt to the attack. They had to navigate around crowds of people trying to get away. They were aided by a patrol of city guards who arrived on the scene fairly promptly. They struggled to get close to the umberhulk as its confusing gaze kept pushing them away and leaving them dazed. The umberhulk half destroyed Maavu's warehouse before burrowing back into the earth to reappear near the auction house which it started to pound. A few guards were killed trying to bring it down as it became bloodied. A woman with a baby became all confused by being near the umberhulk and dropped her baby on the windowsill where she was standing looking out. The baby crawled out of its blankets and fell off the windowsill but Camero used magic to let it float safely to the ground. The umberhulk went into a frenzy, smashing everything nearby, including the baby which was ripped limb from limb. Finally the umberhulk was laid low.   City watch cordoned off the area and the Magical Threats Agency gnomes arrived to investigate. With Camero's help they determined that the umberhulk had in fact been summoned in a ritual inside Maavu's warehouse. So it was an attack on his property, but by who and for why? Camero took the baby to the Cathedral of Wee Jas where he was told High Priestess Embrill was away on church business, but her second in command, Ike Iverson said he could raise the baby for 500 gold and if Camero owed his church a favour. Camero agreed. The party collected 500 gold together and paid for the baby to be raised. The baby's mother was overjoyed. Rumour said that Maavu had been seen leaving the city at dawn that same day on a horse with clouds where its hooves should have been. What was the significance of that? Vortimax Weer told the party that Maavu was in fact a wizard of no small water and was based in Redgorge where he spent a fair amount of time with Sir Alek Tercival, Morgan's paladin cousin. Shensen said that the Striders knew a bit about Maavu and that they believed he might be a member of a secret organisation called the Chisel. But they were not sure of its members nor of its purpose as yet.   The party got an invite to go and meet Celeste for a business proposition at the Cusp of Sunrise. They attended in their best nobles clothes. Lord Vhalantru was there. He was playing gem snatcher and losing. He was a bit drunk. He congratulated the party on their saving of the city and said that they must come to dinner at his house sometime soon. Lord Taskerhill was there. He saw the party and stormed out. The Lathenmires were there. They also left when they saw the party. The dwarven merchant Garthun was there. It was his auction house which had been partially damaged. He was playing gem snatcher with Lord Vhalantru and some other nobles and he was winning. Morgan spoke to the dwarf and he thanked them for saving his auction house and gave them a platinum ingot each as a quick thanks. He didn't seem to concerned with the damage. He also said perhaps Maavu was involved in some sort of insurance scam?   Celeste arrived and took the party into a conference room where they met Davked Splintershield, leader of the Splintershield clan and father of Zenith Splintershield, chief of the Malachite Fortress who had disappeared into the Underdark ten years ago. Davked wanted the party to go and rescue Zenith who was trapped and held prisoner by a group of kuo-toans in the underdark fortress of Bhal-Hamatugn. He had a map which would lead to a fissue which would take the party down into the underdark in the vicinity of the fortress. He would pay well and Celeste would also reward the party with membership of the Cusp of Sunrise. Bhal-Hamatugn rang bells with Camero. It was the home of his father, the black dragon Dhorlot. He wondered if this meant he would soon be meeting his father after all these years...? They agreed to head out straight away and next morning flew out on Eagle-back.   Sharpbeak was able to tell them that the fissue in question was known as the Pit of Seven Jaws and that it was said to be guarded by a seven headed dragon. Camero believed that might be a hydra, a distant relative of dragons, but generally not as dangerous. Arriving in the area of the fissure the party saw flames. The eagle's superior eye sight spotted a large red dragon burning the mountainside and threatening a human, who was probably Crazy Jarred, who's hut marked the fissure entrance location. The party got dropped off nearby and the eagles left the area rapidly. Approaching they could see the large red dragon was questioning Jarred and looked angry. It spotted the party coming and told them to leave the area. It said it was Gotrrod, son of Hookface. They engaged it in conversation and it turned out it was after the location of the entrance to Bhal-Hametugn as it sort Dhorlot's lair because it had been in a scrap with the black dragon. Morgan insulted it and the dragon sprang to attack!
Report Date
11 Apr 2024
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