Interlude - Camero Report in Rodinia | World Anvil

Interlude - Camero

General Summary

Returning to Cauldron Camero set about putting the first steps into place for his Institute of the Arcane. He realised the building itself needed to be granted by the council but Morgan was off in Sasserine so that would have to wait. Vortimax and Skie were be approached about their interest. Vortimax was fully behind the idea and would love to run the school in Cauldron. He was also happy to oversee the building of the school in Endhome. He asked Camero to decide if he wanted to develop both in parallel or one at a time. Camero said he'd prefer both in parallel. Skie expressed an interest in partnership but said she�d like to wait until Camero had something more concrete before she fully committed.   Returning to his tower in Holytree, he spoke to Shensen. She was of course delighted to see him safe and sound. She told him that after a long think she supported Camero�s choice to become a Lich. She wasn�t sure what she wanted to do about it but figured that they have a long time to work it out. She asked if Camero has any ideas about what he thought she should do. So far, he has none.   Camero contacted the Cabal of Callindrill and spoke to them about his plans. Because he didn't begin his research into lichdom without first speaking to them about it this was a point for him. He explained to them what he was planning on doing and they were dismayed but told him he must find his own path. When he offered to leave his phylactery with the head of the Cabal this went a long way to helping them to trust him.   Camero went to his study and began the rituals to become a Lich. These were complex and detailed and arcane and took all his concentration. He hid himself away for long hours at a time, fashioning his phylactery and learning how to generate an aura of power about himself. During this time Orcus appeared to him again in a vision:   He was sat cross legged atop a high ice capped mountain, meditating on his existence when Orcus appeared to him again. He was surrounded by a glowing aura and looked powerful and majestic as only a god can. He bows to Camero, saying �Well met Camero ab Dhorlot, arch mage of Rodinia. I come before you with a gift. I bring great knowledge. You need only agree and I will infuse you with the knowledge of any ritual of your choice. Anything can be yours. You just need to accept my gift'. He smiled a benign and friendly smile. Of course Camero declined his offer. Orcus then tried to bribe Camero with ever more extravagant bribes. He offered wealth � enough money to complete his Institute in record time. Camero refused. He offered power � leadership of the Cabal � all he had to do was tell Orcus the name of the leader and Orcus would see to it that he was killed and Camero would take his place. Again Camero refused. He offered magic � any magical item he so choose. Of course Camero refused. Orcus said that he knew which item Camero coveted, hinting at the Staff of Callindrill, and told Camero that the Staff was his to give. Camero still refused. So Orcus left him at that time.   The rituals complete to become a Lich, but the temptations of the Demon Prince refuted, Camero decided it was time to meet his friends. He said goodbye to Shensen and began a simple teleportation ritual. The ritual did not go as planned however. Instead a ghostly figure with one eye appeared before him. This figure warned Camero that the very centre of the Shadowfell, Death's Reach, a place which had long been sealed by the gods, had been breached. Mortals had entered it for the first time since the Dawn War and there they were acquiring artifacts left over from the Dawn War and disturbing the balance of the multiverse. Camero should head there and stop them - and maybe take an artifact or two for himself.   Pondering over this strange vision and what it meant, Camero was soon back in Cauldron...
Report Date
11 Apr 2024
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