The Census Organization in Rockfall | World Anvil
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The Census

*Trigger warning*

Fucked up fascist breeding cult.
Humanity is slowly going extinct on Rockfall and they know it. Humans are simply too few, and spread too thin to reproduce back to safer numbers. When the surviving heads of government of human society came to this conclusion, they formed the Census. At the Census headquarters, the Chief Charters have a plan for humanity... literally. They have a schedule mapped out for every known human, and their mating patterns. The Census exists to enforce this schedule on humanity. The Census aggressively establishes chapters throughout the Underdark, and sends out patrols to capture or lure "good stock" back to their chapters for breeding. Women who refuse are forced. Men who can't or won't perform are beaten. The infertile are given a choice: Cook the stew, or become the stew. The sickly and handicapped are made into fertilizer for the fungus crop.   Most Census chapters are designed along a similar pattern: a central officer house next to the barracks, and maternity wards, surrounded by sweatshops, fungus plantations, and of course, the human stables. The exterior of each facility is composed of guard towers, walls, patrols and security checkpoints.   Not only does the Census intend to ensure the survival of the human race, they want to put them back on top. In order to do this, the Chief Charters have planned several "strengthening factors" into their schedule. Certain chapters are instructed to capture healthy drow, orcs, or elves for selective breeding. The Census do not want a race of half breeds, but instead want to preserve humanity with the aid of nonhuman blood, ultimately at a 5% standard rate. There are even rumors that the Census has captured or is attempting to capture metallic dragons to fill in some of the "gaps".   The Census makes widespread use of propaganda, claiming to be gathering the remaining humans to create a safe home for humans in the Underdark. As such, many humans in the Deep Lines, sick of their treatment under dwarven care, or just looking for a home, are attempting to reach one chapter or another willingly, and the decentralized nature of the Conductors means that they aren't always well enough informed to keep their passengers safe from them.   The Census routinely trades stock between chapters to ensure diversity. Certain groups of human bandits, or occasionally parties of Conductors have taken to attacking Census convoys and liberating their captives. Slowly word is getting out, despite the Census's rumor mill.   The Census is led by the wizards of the old Magocracy, and thus puts them at odds with followers of The Inventor, although most Conductors are more concerned with providing safe passage than judging their passengers. Still, most who discover the true nature of the Census, are repulsed and will do what they can to oppose them. The Census, while not particularly religious, does keep an outpost at Alakezan's Beacon, mostly to "recruit" the local human pilgrims.

Public Agenda

Their agenda is not public


Wizards and sorcerers. Advanced magic and exotic beings.

"Humanity first."

Founding Date
00.00. M day. 200 years ago.
Related Ethnicities

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