Managrahn Praetorian Guard Military Formation in Rockfall | World Anvil
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Managrahn Praetorian Guard

The stalwart defenders of Managrah. The Managrahn Praetorian Guard, unusually for drow, fight in full plate mail, with long sword and shield. It is said that the Praetorians initially formed from the most prized of Managrahn war slaves: human knights captured from the Surface. As they gained renown as a fighting unit, drow males began to join, and were trained by the slaves in the ways of war. Now the unit is mostly drow, though talented war slaves can still find their way into the ranks of the Praetorians. The Praetorians specialize in urban combat, and mostly serve as the Managrahn garrison, although they are also the primary occupying force when Managrah manages to take one of the other drow cities.
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