Brevian Outriders Military Formation in Rockfall | World Anvil
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Brevian Outriders

Brev hosts the smallest legionary of its neighboring city states. In order to have a chance of winning a straight fight, Brev must mobilize its forces rapidly to hold key choke points, or flank unprepared enemy forces. To this end Brev makes extensive use of scouts to gain advanced warning of approaching armies. Enter the Outriders, a loose organization of riders that patrol the Underdark beyond the reaches of the fungus forest. The Outriders are deployed in small units of four to five riders who are usually men, and led by a commander who is usually a woman. Most Outriders ride cave lizards, which Brev is uniquely able to rear and feed with the produce of Brevian fungus plantations. However, the wealthiest of female Outriders will ride steeders, the monstrous spiders only bred in Zarduundrum, which are treated as a symbol of status, pride, and faith in Lolth. The favored weapon of the Outriders is the catchpole, a long pole with a metal ring on the end, bladed on the outside for slashing, but left blunt on the inside so it may be slipped over the head of a potential slave for capture. When a Brevian house has managed to capture Rorrim, it has done so through siege, deploying its Outriders to intercept and capture any and all shipments of food to the city. Eventually, when starvation sets in, the Brevians offer food to the Rorrimese houses in exchange for surrender.
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