Race: Kvharo in Road's of Elysium | World Anvil
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Race: Kvharo

One of the many great beast races which inhabit the world of Elysium, Kenku are humanoid crow-like beings that inhabit many dark parts of the globe. Often small in stature, yet stealthy and light on their feet, Kenku are one of the more mischievous of the races found throughout the world.


Not much separates the Kenku of DnD from the Kenku of Roads of Elysium in terms of appearance. Commonly referred to as Kvharo in the world of Elysium, Kenkus typically resemble a short statured raven-like race who have no wings or capacity for flight. Instead, Kvharos have densely feathered arms and bird-like talons for hands and feet and are fitted with the stereotypical large black beak and glossy black or iridescent feathers of a Common Raven (Corvus brachyrhynchos), which covers their whole body except for their scrawny limbs, which are bare and scaled like those of other birds. Older Kvharos typically have a larger and heavier black beak, shaggy feathers around the throat and above the beak, and a wedge-shaped tail.   Kvharos tend to be one of the smallest of the beast-races, with individuals rarely ever getting past the Five-foot height range common throughout the race. In fact even the ones lucky enough to push pass rarely ever get close to 5 '5 at a time. They are also quite possibly the most lightweight of the races, weighing only between 90 and 120 pounds, but much like birds, tend to have a lightweight, dense skeletal system, which while it doesn't help them to fly, tends to help them in combat, allowing them to be light weight on their feet.  


Kvharos are loyal to a fault to those they consider allies and those they consider family. The foreign appearance and behavior of them often make them common targets of racial discrimination and though they are commonly noted to be secretive and mysterious, they are mostly harmless creatures quick to make friends with those who earn their trust. Much like their avian counter-parts, Kvharos are known to have quite the interest in shiny things and are known to cache shiny objects such as pebbles, pieces of metal, and for those who are more into burglary and graverobbing; coins and jewels.   It should also be noted that to the Kvharos, nothing is more important than family. They often play tricks on travelers through their territory, but rarely does this lead to conflict. While Kvharos tend to make friends very fast, very few ever get to be considered truly part of the family and those who do become part of the “flock” will have friends for life. For unless one has done something to truly upset the bird people, anyone is welcome at the fireside of a Kvharos. They welcome travelers of all races and creeds.   As after all   birds of a feather flock together.  


Kvharos are an elusive race. Little is known about them directly, and what is known is a jumble of fact and fiction. However, what is known is that the race is native to the Dark Continent of Gudeth. While many can be found in the cities of East and West Doroan and the surrounding smaller cities, conversation with Kvharos suggests that those living in the cities are actually not native to them but are instead "outsiders from the hinterlands'' - that is, areas of countryside far away from civilization or beyond known geography, sparsely inhabited and traversed mostly by travelers.  


Kvharos, similar to the corvids they resemble, are a highly cunning and inquisitive species, able to accurately mimic all kinds of noises. Many Kvharos tend to be tinkerers; with talons capable of grasping and performing fine motor tasks, many are skilled metal workers who enjoy engaging in the creation of all things shiny. They also may tend to invent crude forms of aircraft, as many are described as “longing for the ability to fly”.  


The Kvharos do have their own language. Similar to many beast-races such as Tabaxi, Kvharos language tends to be based around sounds indicative to the animal in which it is based around. Where Tabaxi have Mriaer, also known as “Cat-Tongue” in which the common vocalization found in Felines, function as normal consonants, using the wide range of vocalizations cat’s typically are known for, Kvharos have the language known as Kkcakakk. Consisting of a complex series of chirps, clicks, whistles, caw's, a series of dry, grating kraa's, low guttural rattles and some calls of an almost musical nature and twitterings, most other races find Kkcakakk difficult to understand and almost impossible to imitate. Non-Kvharo speakers of this tongue are exceedingly rare. However, the Kvharos are capable of learning and speaking many other humanoid languages so there's really no language barrier.  


  Like many who live on the Dark Continent, Kvharos have adapted well to the unpredictable and superstitious nature of the land. Outside of the city, the lives of Kvharos are mysterious and secretive, and a tad bit spiritual as well. Kvharos outside the city are known to routinely collect all manners of herbs and minerals for usage in ritual and ceremony and older individuals lead the clan in chants, songs, and scripture. In fact, much like many civilizations in Gudeth, Kvharos have also had small bouts of rapid foray into spirituality and discovery, that much like others, has had its fair share of disasters accompany it.   What draws them into the cities varies depending on the individual, though it appears most of the ones who live in cities find jobs as assassins, bodyguards, or even thieves. As stated before, to a Kvharos, nothing is more important than family and friends. As a result, many typically work in gangs, clans or groups called "flocks" to make ends meet. They are often described as being excellent minions, scouts and spies for stronger creatures and those whose prowess is noticed by outside-folk such as human’s, often get hired as bodyguards and assassins for the upper class. Those with more “spiritual” skills aid in dealing with restless spirits, demons and those of the sort.  


Similar to the Varúlfur of Arkael, Kvharos are one of the true races native to the dark continent of Gudeth. Known for their high intelligence, extensive memory capacity, and agility, they are a race truly wrapped in mystery. However, this does not often bode well for the Bird-folk. Similar to the Varúlfur, the Kvaharos share with them the fate of being under intense scrutiny from those who do not understand them, or those who simply view them as lesser beings. While the racism against Bestial Races is not as intense or as strong as it is in Arkael, Kvharos have their own set of problems.   The attitude towards the crow-folk in the lands of Gudeth varies from acceptance, through indifference, to outright hostility. This is predicated on a variety of factors, though a lot of anti-crow-folk sentiment is usually caused by inexperience and ignorance or downright hypocrisy or propaganda. Many believe that all Kvharos are inevitably bound to become feral and pose a threat to people around them, though this sentiment has some truth to it, due to many young crow-folk dabbling in dark arts enough to make them go insane. Outside of partially viable reasons for people to be apprehensive, many, most especially in the Region of East and West Doroan, found the reason to hate through the leading body of the cities.   The Church


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