Whisperwood Brew Item in Ro'Kroya | World Anvil

Whisperwood Brew


  Whisperwood Brew is a unique ale hailing from the region surrounding Dacca, specifically crafted using a blend of rare hops and grains found only in the mysterious depths of the Whispering Woods. This ale is renowned for its enchanting qualities and the mystique it holds, as much from its flavor as from the legends surrounding the Whispering Woods themselves.


  Whisperwood Brew stands out with its deep, amber hue and a frothy, cream-colored head that lingers, inviting the drinker to savor its complexity. The first sip reveals a rich tapestry of flavors – a harmonious blend of earthy undertones, subtle hints of wild berries, and a whisper of spice that teases the palate. The finish is smooth, leaving a warm sensation that seems to glow from within, reminiscent of a quiet night spent under the canopy of the Whispering Woods.

Brewing Process:

  The secret to Whisperwood Brew's unique flavor profile lies in its brewing process. The water used in brewing is sourced from a crystal-clear stream within the Whispering Woods, believed to be enchanted. The hops are a rare variety that blooms only under the light of a full moon, lending the ale its subtle luminosity. The grains are harvested from the edge of the woods, where they are said to absorb the mystical essence of the land.

Mystical Properties:

  Local lore suggests that Whisperwood Brew has mild mystical properties. Drinkers report feeling a heightened sense of awareness and a deeper connection to the natural world around them. While these effects are largely attributed to the ale's potent blend of flavors and the psychological impact of the Whispering Woods' legend, many insist there's a touch of real magic in every barrel.


  Due to the rare ingredients and the specific conditions required for its brewing, Whisperwood Brew is produced in limited quantities and is highly sought after. It's traditionally served during special occasions and festivals, especially those celebrating the history and mysteries of the Whispering Woods.

Cultural Significance:

  Whisperwood Brew is more than just an ale; it's a celebration of the region's heritage, a tribute to the enchanting and enigmatic Whispering Woods that border Dacca. It symbolizes the harmony between the town and the untamed wilderness that surrounds it, embodying the spirit of adventure and the allure of the unknown that defines the region.

Cost of Whisperwood Brew 


In Taverns:

  • Pint (16 oz): 15 Silver Pieces
  • A single pint is perfect for the individual adventurer looking to savor the unique flavors of the Whisperwood Brew.
  • Mug (24 oz): 25 Silver Pieces
  • A larger mug for those who can't get enough of its mystical properties and rich taste.
  • Sharing Jug (64 oz): 10 Gold Pieces
  • Intended for groups or for those wishing to make a night of tales and camaraderie. The jug often comes with a set of smaller cups for sharing.

In Breweries:

  • Bottle (750 ml): 15 Gold Pieces
  • A standard wine bottle size, ideal for those wanting to enjoy Whisperwood Brew at home or gift it to a fellow enthusiast.
  • Growler (64 oz): 30 Gold Pieces
  • Reusable and perfect for keeping the brew fresh. A favorite among locals and travelers alike who wish to take a piece of the region with them.
  • Cask (10.8 Gallons): 250 Gold Pieces
  • The ultimate purchase for serious collectors, tavern owners, or for large gatherings and celebrations. A cask provides the full Whisperwood Brew experience, allowing the ale to be served as intended, directly from the wood.
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