Notable Books Item in Ro'Kroya | World Anvil

Notable Books

I thought about it and decided to include some of the books that the groups from both campaigns have ran across throughout their adventures. Thought it would be a little fun and could one day turn into plot hooks!  

The Knight's Delight

Tilly found this book while pillaging through the library of the Zadus Monastery. It is a small book bound in black leather and written in common. When you being reading this book, you start to realize that it's a story of one Lord Kerry Bottombuckle who has family ties to House Alora. What starts as a dashing knights tale of conquest on the battlefield, quickly turns into a conquest of love. As you continue reading, the book follows Lord Bottombuckle as he meets a battlefield nurse while being treated for a sickness he succumb to while fighting in a war. The problem is, she was fighting for the enemy. As they begin their secret affair, you continue to read to the spot of the book when an enemy Captain catches them in one of their late night rendezvous. As you turn one more page to discover more, you realize that you only have half of the Knight's Delight in your hands.  

Wydoor's Guide to the Lost Ones

This book is written upon vellum and is bound in copper plates set with coral. If you flip through the book, it is written in Common and is about a race of elves called Peak Elves. It talks about how there was a war with the Drow, who came through a nearby Penumbra gateway, to exterminate the Peak Elves and take their resources. The book is dated as being completed on 1122 TR on the 5th day of Falltide. It gives details to the attacks made against the Peak Elves during the war and after the world thought the Peak Elves were no more. Years would pass until an old adventurer named Wydorr Graham accidentally stumbled across a Peak Elf settlement tucked deep into the Greyrock Highlands in the early parts of 1122 TR.  

The Zuri Shards - A Guide to the Third Eye

This tome is written on parchment bound in stained glass plates. It has a locking clasp on the outside with a small round cutout in the center in a bowl shape. It is locked by magic and can only be opened in a specific manner. At this time, the Destiny Party has this book in their possession and has yet to determine what the method is along with unlocking its secrets.  

Gateway Guru

Written by the infamous wizard Sperentzi, this manual describes many different types of portals and gateways. While it does not detail the rites and rituals to open or connect a gateway, it does give enough details to identify gateways and then possibly disable or close them.  

Even Villains have Heroes (1721 T.R.)

While in the isolation of his cell at Valorfen Hold, the criminal mastermind known as Tinsil Graybar wrote his memoirs that would be titled "Even Villains have Heroes". His goal was to make people understand him better as a person and that his criminal choices were made for survival early on. He was just really good at it so he just continued on until he had built himself a nice criminal empire and ultimately brought down by the very hero that his book was based on; Odromi Oresword. Tinsil revealed how he assassinated Lord Norrid Garneth who oversaw the lands north of the Irontop Mountains which led the way for the Pike family's rise to power and the creation of his personal daggers.

Cover image: by Travis-Anderson


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