Dragonstrike Weapons Item in Ro'Kroya | World Anvil

Dragonstrike Weapons

There are two main types of Dragonstrike weapons that are used by the Ira. The first and most common is a rifle type weapon that has an axe head on the end of its barrel. If the Ira finds in necessary, they will use the rifle like an axe in melee combat. The second, mostly reserved for higher ranking members of the Ira are the pistols.   Unlike firearms, dragonstrike weapons use magic imbued crystals as their ammunition. It has been widely believed by historians that the Ira figured out a way to harness the power of a dragon's blood and turned it into a type of magic crystal, hence the dragonstrike name. In order for the process to work, there needs to be two sets of runes. One set on a side of the crystal that needs to be facing upward while the other is on the hammer of the weapon itself. When both strike one another, the crystal is cracked, releasing the stored magic. The barrel acts as the aiming device making the need for magical knowledge nil. The only training needed for using one of these is the placement of the crystals in relation to the hammer.   The most common spell used by the Ira is the firebolt cantrip. Other types of ammunition do exist, such as a fireball or lightning bolt crystal, but they cost of production is too high for common usage.   It is also rumored that the Ira use siege weapons with similar technology but that's just a rumor...right?

Dragonstrike Rifle

by RPS


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