Consumables Item in Ro'Kroya | World Anvil


Misty Orb

  This "consumable" is a thin glass orb with a slight fog swirling within about the size of a chicken egg. When thrown and the glass breaks, the magic within teleports its user to this location. Throwing the orb takes an action and has a normal range of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet.  


  If one can say it was invented, then this alcoholic concoction was invented by the male dwarf named Brickaxe that currently resides in the town of Gillamore. It's quite possible that Brickaxe is a relative of Grimshaw as he has now started importing Silverslauger to his fine establishments in Levres and Pryn. In any case, the concoction comes in a clear glass bottle and is served by the shot. It has a sort of silvery look to it similar to mercury and a slight cooling mint flavor after the initial burn. Careful though, Brickaxe demands patrons to sign a waiver before drinking excusing him from any and all ill effects that may be caused by drinking the stuff. He is also kind enough to offer a pillow to place on the floor beneath you before drinking. Immediately after drinking the beverage, one must succeed on a Constitution save or random effects follow.  

Gelly Jar

  This one can be quite fun to play with. Inside of a round mason type jar, one will see a viscous type liquid, similar to a jelly, with a bluish green hue. When opened, the liquid will begin to expand out from the jar and in a matter of seconds, (2 rounds of game time) a full Gelatinous Cube will appear. The Cube has no loyalties to the person that opened it and generally attacks the nearest creature in a hangry rage.

Cover image: by Tegehel


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