Avian Species in Riza | World Anvil
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Made up of primarily anthropomorphic birds, avians are a diverse species with subspecies in the thousands.

Basic Information


Avians are largely humanoid, but possibly bear the least resemblance to humans compared to other known sapient races. Avians often have arms separate from their wings, but somes arms and wings are one and the same. A small portion of avians don't have wings at all, and cannot fly. Avians have digitigrade legs with toes that may or may not be webbed, depending on the subspecies of avian. Some avians may have taloned hands, but the vast majority of avians have taloned feet.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Avians are primarily herbivores, but certain subspecies may also eat fish.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Avians are mostly feathered, with the feathers at the top of their head being able to grow to considerable lengths similar to hair. Not all avians are fethered, and most avians arent covered with feathers from head to toe, but most avians have feathers that cover the majority of their body. Male avians of certain subspecies are often more colorful and ornamented than female avians, but this isn't a rule as plenty of male avians have muted colors and plenty of female avians have more colorful palettes.


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