ARK Organization in Riza | World Anvil
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ARK is the elite branch of the Rizan military, a highly exclusive branch staffed entirely by notable soldiers hand picked by the high Council or Polaris.  



The size of ARK varies, and doesn't always maintain the same number of soldiers. The organization is fairly small, especially in comparison with the greater Rizan military, as it's staff is the best of the best, hand picked by the Council.  


ARK expects each soldier to use the weapon that they feel most competent with, be it a physical weapon or magic. As long as the soldier can maintain a high standard of skill with that weapon, they will be allowed to use it as their primary weapon.    ARK mechanics will often take the concept and feel of weapons and enhance it in various ways, making any soldiers weapon of choice more deadly and more unique.    Aside from the weapon that each soldier is allowed to choose, soldiers are trained with knives, which is one of the only weapons that is universally used by all of the Rizan military. ARK soldiers are expected to keep this knife on them at all times.  

Command Structure

The Council sends objectives to Polaris. These objectives can range from protecting a person of interest to assassinating a world leader in a certain way to going undercover to investigate people. Some objectives may have strict guidelines on how they must be completed, while others are entirely freeform.    After receiving the objectives, Polaris will distribute them as missions to the units that are best suited for them.   At the bottom of the chain of command are the prisoner units. These units are most often used as support to a main unit, and are almost never deployed individually. These units also answer to Polaris, but if they are deployed as support to a main unit they answer to that unit for the duration of the mission.  

Special Divisions

Like with the greater Rizan military, ARK has special units dedicated to omptimal performance in certain conditions.

Standard Division

This division is the default division for ARK. Units that fall under these divisions specialize in land based missions and combat, which tends to be the majority of missions which is why the majority of ARK agents are part of the land division.
Standard division units are numbered from 001 to 500, with units 001-010 being the elite units. Outside of this, units arent ordered by strengh, merit, or value; unit 028 is no more valuable than unit 413, likewise unit 002 is no more valuable than unit 008. This division does not have a letter appended to it.

Naval Division

This division is the naval and aquatic division for ARK. These units operate on or in the water, as such the majority of naval agents are of aquatic descent. Additionally, there are entire units consisting of only merfolk.
Naval units are numbered from 001 to 100, with units 001-005 being the elite units. Like with standard division units, units are not numbered based on value. For all naval units the letter "N" is appended to the beginning of the unit number to denote it as a naval unit. For example, Unit N-024.

Aerial Division

This division serves as the air force of ARK. These units operate in the air using either specialty equipment or (in the case of avians among others) wings. This division consists primarily of winged people as a result.
Aerial units are numbered from 001 to 100, with units 001-005 being elite units. Like with standard division units, units are not numbered based on value. For aerial units, the letter "A" is appended to the beginning of the unit number to denote it as an aerial unit. For example Unit A-003.

Space Division

The space division is the smallest specialized division of ARK, consisting of only five units. These units live primarily on the Janus Terminal, only visiting Riza on occasion. Despite this, they have constant communications with ARK. This division has yet to make any drastic moves like the other divisions, they exist as insurance for Riza.
Space units are numbered from 01 to 05, and there are no elite units. Like with standard division units, units are not numbered based on value. For space units, the letter "S" is appended to the beginning of the unit number to denote it as a space unit. For example, Unit S-01  


Desensitization Training

Aside from combat training, ARK agents have to undergo desensitization training. The goal of Desensitization Training training is to suppress the agents feelings of empathy, in fear that an agent having too much empathy could cost ARK missions.    The training involves agents being hooked up to various machines to track physical reactions, such as heartbeat, brain activity, sweat, etc. and is followed by a psychological evaluation to see how they mentally responded to the stimuli. Agents are then shown traumatic stimuli such as buildings on fire, people mourning, aftermaths of disasters, people dying, etc.    Over time through desensitization training, authorized training administrators monitor how they respond to such stimuli, and once the responses are low enough training ends. Should training backfire and agents start reacting more strongly or otherwise show signs of becoming more empathetic, training ends. While this is considered to be a fairly important "skill" to have, especially for field agents, completing it is not mandatory and failure to complete the training will not result in an agent being fired.  



Members of ARK are hand picked by the Council and Polaris. There is no application process, to be recruited into ARK one must be exceptionally skilled and leave quite an impression on their commanders during their service in the Rizan Military.


ARK was founded in 2549 by Halvar Koit, predating the Council.


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