ARK IDs Technology / Science in Riza | World Anvil
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A small chip implanted in the wrist of @ARK agents that gives them access to locked locations and important information. For Prisoner Units, the technology works in the same way but is instead administered as a metal band fitted around the owners wrist. It can only be removed by Polaris, or the current commander of ARK.


ARK agent have a chip implant that serves as their ID. This ID allows agents to unlock most doors at the ARK facility. The ID is often paired with a cybernetic eye that closely resembles the agents natural eye. The eye allows the agent to see screens from their ID, allowing only them to have access to the information. No one else can see screens that are rendered in the cybernetic eye.   Each ID has a lot of important information for agents, such as:
  • A dynamic map of Riza, including locations of nearby agents
  • An agents ARK information, to allow for identification in the event that something happens to an agent
  • A messages feature that allows agents to message eachother subtly. This feature can also connect to an agents phone to allow them to send and receive texts from civilians on their ID.
  • There is an emergency signal that, if activated, will show an agents location to all agents within a 5 mile radius.
  • An emergency summoning feature that, if the ARK facility is attacked, all agents within a 25 mile radius will be given a notification and summoned back.
  • And lots more.
  • Security Classes

    There are four classes of IDs, which determine whether or not an agent has access to certain locations in the ARK facility.
  • Class A
  • Given to the council and the commander, this class of ID can unlock any door in the facility and can be used to open any encrypted file.
  • Class B
  • Given to captains of ARK units, it unlocks fewer things than a Class A ID. A B ID allows the owner access to classified mission information.
  • Class C
  • The most common class of ID, C IDs are given to every ARK soldier.
  • Class D
  • The ID class given exclusively to PUs. D IDs don't come in chip form, rather they are a metal wristband that can only be unlocked by an A ID. This class of ID also doesn't have an eye attachment, any information from this ID is displayed as a small projection, with a screen no larger than a business card. This ID only unlocks the PU barracks, and their units rooms. It does not unlock the rooms of any unit they are not in. Tracking cannot be turned off.
  • When an Agent retires from ARK, the chips are magnetically destroyed to keep private information from getting out. When a PUs contract expires, the internal chip is destroyed and the wristband is removed, however a tracking chip is embedded into the former PU to allow for easy tracking.
    Access & Availability
    The only people with access to these IDs are people who work in ARK.


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