Xorsannaxithrax Character in Riven Faerun | World Anvil


Xorsannaxithrax (a.k.a. Venomwing)

Xorsannaxithrax (more commonly known to those who know of him as Venomwing) is a growing young green dragon seeking a lair who took up residence in Thundertree Ruins at the church atop the hill at the northern end of the town circa 141 PR.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The dragon known as Venomwing originally hailed from deeper within Neverwinter Wood, but migrated out to its outskirts in search of a more suitable place to set up his lair. Following in the trails of blight and corruption left behind by lesser creatures like Ash Zombies and Twig Blights, he established a (somewhat cramped) lair for himself within the old towns' church and begun setting himself up to be a major power in the greater Phandalin and Sword Mountains region.

Gender Identity




Failures & Embarrassments

While he would be loathe to ever admit it to another living creature, Xorsannaxithrax was driven out of his previous lair in the depths of Neverwinter Wood by a larger and older black dragon whom he has sworn to get his revenge on ( in a way typical of green dragons, much later and when she'll be least expecting it). This is also the reason his hoard is relatively small, as he could only escape with what he could himself transport, and why he was willing to settle for the seemingly ramshackle dwelling in Thundertree Ruins as a lair when he can barely get in and out of it.

Personality Characteristics


Xorsannaxithrax seeks the same things that most dragons do; more influence in the area in which he resides, more material treasures for his currently pitiful hoard, and the respect and fear of others of his kind. Adventurers who would deal with him would be wise to keep these motivations in mind when conducting negotiations.


Contacts & Relations

A number of Cult of the Dragon initiates led by a senior figure have set themselves up in Thundertree Ruins for the purpose of convening with Xorsannaxithrax.

Wealth & Financial state

Venomfang's current hoard is relatively unimpressive for a large dragon, but is enough to be a small fortune for all the most extravagant humanoids. The church's belltower, atop his 'lair', houses the majority of these treasures, consisting of various forms of gold and silver coin, stashes of gems and jewelry, and a small number of enchanted items that he has managed to accumulate. Despite having no practical use for several of these items, he nonetheless covets them and spends considerable time admiring his collection.

A growing young green dragon in search of his own lair who has recently taken up residence in the church at the top of the hill in Thundertree.

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Vital Information

Lawful Evil
Current Status
Establishing a lair in Thundertree
Current Location
Date of Birth
12th of Kythorn
Year of Birth
120 DR 261 Years old
Neverwinter Woods
Current Residence
Thundertree Church
Yellow with black pupils
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Green scales in mottled pigmentation patterns
2718 lb
Known Languages
Draconic, Infernal, Primordial, Common, Elven, Dwarven


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