The Ammonite Myth in Ripple | World Anvil
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The Ammonite

God of Patterns, Math and Madness

Called the Spiral Jester, the Ammonite is the god of math, madness and patterns. The Ammonite is depicted as a humanoid figure wearing a mask shaped like an ammonite shell. This mask is brightly multicolored, its hues shifting iridescently as the spiraled shell twists. 
  While worshiped by many scholars, artificers and tradesmen the Ammonite is viewed with some trepidation by everyday people who have little use for math past counting out their daily wages. There is an intrinsic magic laced throughout all numbers in Ripple and if one dives into the mathematical storm without allowing for proper preparation time, madness is onset. Those who indulge in the Ammonite's gifts too deeply are stricken with madness, be it temporarily or permanent. They see numbers and patterns where there are none, spirals and fractals in otherwise blank pieces of stone, connecting curves in architecture not made by the builder. Indeed, the oldest and wisest arithmancers all display some hints of insanity. However, there is no danger in simple math, and everyday use of numbers and recognition of patterns will not result in one losing their mind. The real danger lies in the advanced topics. Those who wish to understand the secrets of the Ammonite must do so through patient study, with no shortcuts; for the quickest path to insanity is to bypass the switchbacks of safety. The most common worshipers of the Ammonite are mathematicians, arithmancers, artificers, teachers, merchants and architects and designers.
  The symbol of the Ammonite is a multicolored ammonite shell, a representation of the ever shifting mask the God wears. Their number is 9 Chaotic Neutral domain.
A multicolored ammonite shell, the symbol of the Ammonite.


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