The Island of Dreams Geographic Location in RingWorlds | World Anvil
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The Island of Dreams

"Beasts and Creatures untold are found there, many ending up in an environment where it simply wouldn't be possible for most of them to survive, yet they there they thrive. I've heard of Polar bears, Hyena's, and even Remmhoraz taking up the area."


The terrain of the island of dreams it a thick and dense jungle with almost no variations. There are a few small and minor "Oasis" spots spread throughout the jungle where there are fewer trees and more hills.   One curious thing is that the island's size is far from what is recorded by explorers and cartographers that follow the coast. The inside of the Island is much larger than it should be. No one has managed to travel from one end to another and return alive yet.

Fauna & Flora

Animals that shouldn't be in any sort of jungle live here and have managed adaptions to find a way to live. Some mammoths have developed keratin bladed trunks to use as weapons and tools to clear the jungle. Researchers currently theorize that some mad scientist has mutated many of the animals on the island, as the evolutions made by various creatures shouldn't be possible.   Many magical beasts also reside on the island as well.

Natural Resources

Very few natural resources other than food, wood, and water are here. Nobody has established an outpost on the island due to the thick foliage seeming to drown out any colonization efforts short of a forest burn. Last time that was attempted the native wildlife didn't take too kindly to the effort.   If someone did find a way to colonize the island there would be an infinite supply of less than quality lumber and animal pelts from the territory.   No efforts to determine the mineral and underground resources have been made.

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