Empires of the Ring - Magic in Ring World | World Anvil

Empires of the Ring - Magic

The magic which exists in the Empires of the Ring comes from three sources - the Core of the planet, the Ring that surrounds the planet, and the Chaos that exists between the other two sources.   The opposing forces of the Core and the Ring produce the "stuff" of magic.    Core magic is the source of all that is destructive and harmful magic, that which generates entropy (the tendency of ordered things towards disorder). This is magic that individuals can call upon and harness, typically with the help of some physical focus (a "wand" etc) due to the proximity from the Core where the magic originates. Presumably if one were to be closer to the Core, it would be easier to call on destructive energy without the help of a focus.   The Ring is the source of all magic that creates order and heals - the force that works against destruction and entropy. This is also magic that individuals can call upon and harness, but without the help of a focus. This is healing or constructive magic that would be very common to anyone born on the surface of the Ring. As with Core magic, Ring magic will become harder to use the further the caster is from the Ring, eventually requiring the use of a focus object to call it.   The Chaos between the two is the source of all artificial or manufactured magic, the magic that was harnessed by the Makers to put the Planet in its place and which powered their technology. This is magic that is created by synthesizing order and entropy (the Core and the Ring) and requires a vessel or some form of ancient machinery to harness and use it. The now ancient tech that uses Chaos energy is used in weapons, in water and food production, in portals for long distance transportation, and in airships that ride Chaos energy from place to place on the Ring and around the Planet. The secret to using Chaos magic is lost to the ancients, and only a lucky few individuals may be blessed to stumble up on its practical use and fewer may be formally trained to harness it.   The Ancient Tech is entirely leftover from the migration of the old surface civilizations to the Ring after the Death of the Planet, though some people are able to learn enough about it to repurpose and repair the ancient tech - nothing completely new can be manufactured.


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