The Lesh Myth in Riftellon | World Anvil
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The Lesh

Art by Theoretical Part at


The lesh is a wrathful forest spirit that is used to scare children into behaving and not venturing off where they shouldn't. The lesh is described as being a very tall and thing creature of vague humanoid shape. Where their head should be, instead sits a large, long-decayed elk skull attached to a body of roots and bark. Their form is covered in a patchwork of animal hides, furs, and torn fabric from unfortunate travelers.

  They are said to haunt the forests near settlements, preying on children who run off or go where they were told not to. Lesh are so vengeful and violent, that it is said only the barest remnants of bones will remain from a lesh attack. They devour everything within a moment, and for wayward children, it might even gobble them whole so that they live in its belly, constantly tormented by the whisperings of the woods.

  It is said that forever following them is the strong scent of earth and rot, and an unnatural chill permeates the air around them.

Historical Basis

The myth of the lesh is based off a very real creature. However, the real creature is called a leshy. They primarily habitate ancient woods or swamps. They have the ability to command the wildlife of the forest, or the forest itself, as well as the ability to polymorph into a variety of forms.


Mostly a myth that originated within the kingdom of Ashana, with their lush swamps and ancient woods. It has since spread up and down the kingdoms along the Fortune's Coast. It is common knowledge to the point, where people don't actually believe in it as they used to, but primarily use it to scare young children.

Variations & Mutation

Spriggan: Less terrifying than the original story. Spriggans are a protective forest spirit that misleads travelers and protect the creatures of the forest with a fierce passion.

  Wendigo: Just as terrifying as the original, however wendigos developed due to the more northern climates. It is said that when one gets lost in a blizzard, the wendigo comes out to slaughter and devour you, it's constant hunger causing it agony, in which it creates a baleful howl that is said to paralyze it's prey.

Cultural Reception

The legend of the lesh is culturally important for the tribes that live within the marshes around Fjallendor, Ashana. It is said that this region was where one of the last lesh were seen, hundreds of years ago.

In Literature

Often times, one can find passages in books consisting of myths or legends. But it has been an age since anyone has seen one and lived.

In Art

Many artists have been inspired by the primal savagery it is said to possess. This will often lead to dark and beautiful paintings and grotesque imagery. There is a common, lewd tavern song that was created called "The Forest's Whore" which was someone's poor attempt at putting some comedic light on this otherwise dark myth.


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