Klamnorth School Organization in Rhina | World Anvil
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Klamnorth School

Klamnorth school is the only school for wizards on Dae, and the only thing offering Posinu any relevance. Entry into the school is expensive, so while theoretically anyone could probably study at the school long enough to become a powerful wizard, only the wealthy or the most skilled peasants will get an education.


Organization of the school is by committee. The highest ranking teachers (again, chosen by the committee, and fluctuating in size) make decisions for the school. These decisions are all-encompassing, from who to admit each year into the class, who should be allowed to teach, which buildings should be allocated to each craft, what color to paint the walls, and everything inbetween. Teachers not on the committee have no sway over the happenings of the school, but technically have authority over the students. Older students may introduce themselves by year and claim superiority over less experience students. Students do not neccessarily join or enter at a fixed age, so a higher year teenager is not unlikely to try to hold superiority over a lower year student of the same age.


Because admission is decided solely by the committee, it is common for them to admit relatives, friends, or the highest bidder. On top of making it through admission by committee, tuition may be set differently for each student by the committee. All of this is to say that typically only the wealthiest are admitted into the school, resulting in... let's say an elitist culture. Some students are truly talented, but the peasent who knows how to cause an earth slide without training is the exception, not the expected. The school is sometimes seen as a promise for a better future just over the horizon, if one can just prove their worth. A simple magic trick is not enough, but sometimes a peasent will travel the country to try to prove it is. Any peasent admitted are sent an offer letter because they become known enough, not because they are ar the gates begging.

Public Agenda

The motto of the school "For the good of all" reflects the best intentions of the founders, but this has been diluted by the whims of the founders. The graduating classes do create world-savers, world-shakers, and everything inbetween.


The school has roots in The Cult of Posinu, which some say still puppet the school through the cloaks of the committee.

For the good of all.

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