The Cult of Posinu
please excuse the terrible article.
Before Posinu was a settlement, it was a dangerous cult. Members were skilled in illusion magic and new members were rarely voluntary. Then as it is now, members of the cult of Posinu were feared, although some wonder if the rumors are worth the unrivaled knowledge of illusions.
The structure of the cult is largely unknown. It is believed that the organization functioned as most do, with a leader, a few commanders underneath that, and the general population under that.
Public Agenda
The true motives of Posinu are unclear. From the outside, it seems their main motive is to gain more members. It is equally fair to say their motive is to instill fear for the name Posinu. They are far more affective at the second.
The expertise in illusion is the only unique asset of the cult. There are notable magicians, witches and mages who know illusion outside of the organization, but none have the same control. It was not unheard of for a young magician to want to join the cult to learn about illusion. Those who did were never heard from again.
In the early years they had no central location and were a roving group recognized only for their illusion. They would draw crowds to their magic shows, gaining riches and admiration. After a while, the coincidences began to tick up. Wherever they traveled, children and occasionally animals would disappear.
the cult eventually settled into the short peninsula above the city of Thi where Posinu now resides. They have since become far more isolationist than the original roving cult was.
Mythology & Lore
Although not officially a religious organization, the cult of Posinu was always closely related to [the god of illusions], for obvious reasons. The members all recognized [the god of illusions] as their chosen god to worship, and this was assumed to be a requirement for membership. Besides performing illusion magic, they seem to have no further ties to [the god of illusion], as they do not preach their tenants or explicitly try to gather followers.
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