Fey Blood Vials Technology / Science in Rexweld | World Anvil
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Fey Blood Vials

Fey Blood Vials were vials of a concoction made by the alchemists and mages of Malesuray specially made as an antidote to counter Fey Sick. It's important to note that Fey Blood Vials only counter Fey Sick when it's at a very early stage and wouldn't do anything to Fey Sick at an already developed stage.


The Fey Blood Vial's liquid is first injected into one's body, in the location where the Fey Sick is most prominent. Doing so pulls all of the Fey Sick to that specific location like using a magnet on metal. Then depending on the severity the limb that the fey sick is on may be amputated, or in better cases, the disease can be attempted to be extracted or burnt or frozen out. The Fey Sick all being pulled into the same location also helps with using magic to cure the disease as magic works better if used on a specific location and not the entire body.-  

Access & Availability

  Fey Blood Vials were extremely rare as they were expensive due to the main component being Fey Powder that was a luxurious resource. Such the Vials were mainly given out to the most wealthy of Malesuray, although on occasion entire towns and villages of Malesuray put together their coin to gain a vial to cure one of their own.


With the ever-growing cases of Fey Sick popping up all over Malesuray, teams of alchemists and wizards all over Malesuray banded together and spent restless nights researching how to counter the disease. Eventually, after different approaches to the sickness like - burning it away, hyper-activating it, freezing it, the approach that finally showed actual positive results was using fey powder to collect the fey powder in one's body, almost magnetically so, and then extracting it. Of course, adding more normal fey powder would solve nothing so a concoction where the powder was liquified and other elements were added was made especially so that it would draw all of the fey powder in one's organism to it without causing much harm. With a concoction that drew all Fey Sick to one location in a body, all that was left to do was to choose if to extract it, burn it away, freeze it or amputate that body part. It turned out that all solutions were viable and all were used in different situations depending on the severity of the disease.


Fey Blood Vial

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Cover image: by yo shimizu


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