Surface Drow Ethnicity in Rex Machina | World Anvil
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Surface Drow

Surface Drow are a subset of Drow who have left the Underdark for the world above. Few in number and scattered across the world, Surface Drow must carve a delicate path through a sunlit society who are neutral at best, hostile at worst.   To be a Drow who defected to the surface means you must have been determined. You were either stationed above ground on a Drow raid and snuck away from your platoon, or you snuck out and climbed to the surface without being seen. Physical and monetary struggles aside, there would have been an immense psychological burden. You’d have to leave everything far behind: family, friends loved ones, and you must carry the lifelong dread that they could have potentially suffered as a consequence of you leaving.   On the surface the Drow are a bit of a controversial topic. Political commentators toss the idea of a potential mass refugee crisis back and forth; adventurers who have braved the Underdark describe the Drow societies as falling apart at the seams. Between this information and the recent sparsity of Drow attacks, many are speculating that Drow society as a whole is ripe for a mass revolution. A ticking time bomb for some kinda uprising amongst the Drow that would lead to a mass exodus of their people to the surface. If that happens, no government is prepared to handle re-housing that many refugees-- to say nothing of the social and political hot-potato that is accepting members of a race that historically committed horrific crimes against the rest of meta-humanity. Most surface dwellers might not be openly hostile towards good Drow, but they’ll quietly believe that they deserved whatever misery brought them topside. That it serves them right.   Let’s just say it’s not quite election season without at least one debate between pro and anti-Drow support, and leave it at that.

Surface Drow Relations

  When surface races see a friendly Drow, they get a little nervous for multiple reasons.
  • They're scared the Drow might be set in their evil ways. That they might be a spy.
  • They know that the Drow are culturally weird, probably proud of it, and went through hell and back to get here. So they don't want to step on any toes or offend them.
  • They might carry a grudge against Drow due to old ancestral wars and conflict.
  • They have no idea how to approach one, since nobody really talks about them.
  • They wonder if more Drow are coming.

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