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Welcome to Revania!
This world has been reborn multiple times from the ashes of dead empires and fallen armies. Magical catastrophes and extraplanar invasions have torn this world asunder time and time again, but Revania persevered. Revania is no stranger to dangerous happenings and world-shaking events. Largely, Vallonreine is at the epicenter at most of the world's major conflicts. From the War of the First Breaths where the first mortals defeated the Dragon Princes to the Londian Border Wars where the Archduke of Londe tried to reclaim the Ukyrus Mountains from High King Osmund Wulfarth, Vallonreine has had a checkered past. Vallonreine is the head of the Nocturnal Kingdom which rules over all the realms in their part of the world. Though mostly populated by Humankind, Elves and Dwarves and other people populate the Five Nations which make up the Nocturnal Kingdom.
The Beastfolk and other "monsterous" races of Faesterra coexist in an uneasy alliance to stay alive. The Orc tribes and Goliath hordes roam the mountains of Dorohk Khai, often warring with one another. Firbolgs roam the Eastern Forests of Faesterra and keep to themselves while the Tabaxi quarrel in the Deserts of Cree to decide who will rule over their sacred sands. Thousands of Tieflings have flocked to Spyre to take refuge from a world that fears them. There, they value magical prowess over all.
Deoroth is the homeland of the smaller folk: Dwarves and Gnomes. This realm is ridden with political strife, and who rules is never certain. The Dwarven Highlord is a title which is constantly fought for, with the title changing constantly due to assassination and challenges to the title in the crucible of combat. Many Gnomes living in burrows and trees in the Greywood keep out of Dwarven business but focus on technological advancements that often go awry.
The Vale, the forested homeland of the Elves, is said to be The Feywild on the Material Plane. Very little is known about the goings-on of this mysterious realm of unbridled magic and nature. The beauty of The Vale almost overshadows the volcanic wasteland that is Koora. After the defeat of the Dragon Princes, most of the Dragonborn were eradicated. Those that weren't were banished to Koora and exiled only until recently. This is the state of the world. Revania has seen everything. Plagues, mana storms, and brutal wars have ravaged the realms since it's creation. Worse and better is sure to come, but there will always be those who will rise up to meet the world's many challenges. Who will they be and will they be strong enough to defeat the evils that threaten the world?

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