Vehena’s Curse Spell in Requiem | World Anvil

Vehena’s Curse

The fallen goddess of Fate spends her days meeting new faces, good and bad. When one of those people cross her, she often leaves them with a minor to major curse, depending on the severity of their deeds. The inverse is also true, she will give out blessings as she sees fit. Most curses tend to something like be bad luck for the following day, things like tripping over things seemingly out of the way, lost objects, and adverse conditions. More serious perpetrators see more lasting effects such as the loss of a job or important belongings, injuries not quite debilitating but still enough to interfere with day to day life. People who receive the most wrath the fading goddess is willing to give out are the worst of the worst that wander into Vehena’s life. Her curse will bring fatal accidents, lifetime in prison, and life changing disease or injury. These curses are not given out lightly, and Vehena is not not out as a justice seeking vigilante, she is simply keeping the law of karma intact in the range of her sphere. This has earned her the respect of the people of Shay Flor and even extending into the wastes of Shay Flor.