Quantum Entanglers Space Station and Alien in Reptospace | World Anvil
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Quantum Entanglers Space Station and Alien

Quantum Entanglers

  History: They entangle things within their form. They exist as a sort of in-between matter. They can preserve entire planets and potentially universes, or keep them constantly shifting. Killing one or rendering it inert will have the entangled items revert back to their forms, with the Entanglement Matter clumping or melting away. It is split between 3 main forms and functions; having special matter that can mimic things, having manifested external nervous system 'glass' to psychically contact and control minds, and just plain hard minerals and metals as attack and possibly recreating structures.   Possible Story: A half-Entangler, Half-Human hybrid was created. This hybrid secretly overcrowded the station before breaking out of containment.   Merit Based Ending: The goal of the game is to search and experience a simulation and figure out what all happened to the Entangling station. The more you find out, the better of an ending you get. Ranges from your employer angrily cutting off your life support, to a pat on the back but considered too expensive to rescue, finally having a full rescue mission.   Hidden Serial Killer: A Serial Killer, either one taken as a volunteer, unknowingly or not, or one that was dormant and 'awoke' in another crew member, potentially using neuromod technology.  

Escape Methods

Escape Overview: The various ways for a character to escape the simulation. Each escape is one use, and causes a localized disturbance, causing Entanglers to respawn stronger and tougher variants to appear. One or two things may be broken or needed to use for each escape.   Cargo Cannon: A large cannon which fires cargo containers that can power themselves. The crew member must pack enough supplies to survive the trip. First thing is selecting a cargo container then loading it into the Cargo Cannon, before initiating launch and climbing into the container.   Shuttle: A smaller spaceship that requires clearance to leave, docking clamps to be unlocked, piloting experience, and getting the keys. Failure to authorize the launch will cause a much bigger disturbance and constantly blaring alarms.   Escape Pod: Fix the Escape pod's launcher and other parts. Parts may be scattered across the base.   Consciousness Emulation: Interact with a robot, collect Entangler data, collect the station's data, then create a full backup, including the crew mate's consciousness.      


Overview: The various Entanglers have a variety of special organs and matter within them.
  • Entangler Connective Matter: The basic matter of an Entangler. It covers everything, floating in the air and generally unreactive. However, when it surrounds matter, it can turn volatile, emitting fumes and being universally caustic. This reaction converts any matter nearby into Entangler matter at a molecular level. However, it does not immediately do this with everything.
  • Entangler Bubble: This holds what it has absorbed, but not digested. It appears as a discolored object underneath the connective matter. Rendering the entangler with it inert causes it to stabilize back into the object or objects it was made out of immediately.
  • Glass Plasma: A basic cerebral fluid, indicative of higher forms. Mimics have a small dot of it, while higher forms often have easily a gallon or more of it. It is rich in psychic potential and Glass sensitivity. It is crystalline in nature, able to absorb and generate psychic potential.
  • Glass Spinneret: Allows an Entangler to spin Glass, the building blocks of their external nervous system, and is a general sign of how advanced an Entangler is. This organ makes them also more receptive to Glass and even allows two way communication along it. Essentially Glass Plasma but with enough mass to crystalize.
  • Computerized Heart: The first attempts at Entanglers trying to replicate computer technology. It appears as just a mess of computer parts, reminiscent of someone shoving whatever circuits, conductors, or electrical parts together and hoping for it to work. It is used to interface with technology, controlling it like a biological being to a degree.
  • Ether Emitter: An organ built for extensive digestion, found in the more caustic Entanglers.
  • Pyrokinetic Gland: Created by entangling flammable items, these Entanglers breathe fire and use pyrokinesis.
  • Connective Mental Nexus: It resembles a human brain. It can forcefully connect with biological beings, enslaving them through a form of one way Glass. It can also take control of nearby entanglers, directing them in a master to slave sort of relationship. Anyone, Human or Entangler, has a strand of psychic energy and proto Glass connecting them to the nexus.
  Mimics/Seekers: The first and most basic form of Entanglers. They copy things, simple as that. Often small in scale, ranging from coffee cups to large boxes. They are the smallest forms of the Entanglers, from which all others will spawn from, and to which if needed, all higher forms can revert to. They multiply and metamorphose from consuming nervous systems and psyches. Mimic Tumors are their main organ, able to be shaped into whatever form is needed or provided for, and as such, houses a wide variety of materials.   Hardened Seeker: Heavy mineral and object focused Mimics, they innately bond with the materials, turning it into a hardened if dusty full armoring. They are tougher to take down with their heavier components and can often throw parts of themselves at their enemies during battle. While normal Mimics and Entanglers in general are spindly, these move with heft and are much wider. When they mimic, they mimic bigger objects and often leave telltale piles of dust. They hit hard and move hard, dropping plenty of materials. A form of Elite Seeker.   Weaverpath/Nexus: A combination between a Weaver (Spinner) and Telepath (Telepath). It can weave Glass with its spinneret, but also control other Entanglers. They are connected through psychic strands and allow for more complex movements, even with close proximity to Glass. Seeing this creature is a sign an area has been taken over completely, or is a strong moving force to conquer another area.   Warper/Seeker: Entanglers resembling humans, albeit hunched forward and shadowy. It has adapted to its current prey, and this specimen is able to teleport small distances quickly, and seems to always have a scent for something. Once it finds prey, it mostly wishes to keep it alive, firing concussive balls of energy to disorient and possibly knock out its prey. Once it reaches its prey, similar to a mimic, it will then absorb the nervous system and psyche of its victims, either through its arms, pulling it into itself, or a potential mouth like proboscis.   Tracker: An Entangler specialized in finding and securing prey.   Psychic Barrier: A sign of Glass power and capability, it shimmers a bright yellow and cocoons its host. Attacking those shielded with this leads to a powerful counter fear response as the shield vanishes. Some Entanglers have more than one barrier at any given moment, and often recover them if left alone for long enough. Removal of the spinneret or Glass Organ removes a specimen's ability to create these.   Spinners: Mimics in sufficient numbers will instead of multiplying, will combine into this higher form, entwining themselves together. In addition to minor mimicking, it gains the abilities of Glass Spinning, Psychic shielding, and Generation of higher forms of Entanglers. Glass spinnerets can be harvested from them, which is the organ that allows for the formation of the glass strands that float in the air, forming an externalized nervous system and hive mind of sorts. A gateway creature between the lesser mimics and the greater forms.   Glass: An externalized nervous system of sorts. It contains the minds of all their victims, in a constant flux. Entanglers in contact with it become more coordinated and dangerous. It can be dissipated with anti-psychic weaponry, but it attracts the attention of all Entanglers in its reach.   Telepath: When a mimic absorbs enough psyche, they can appear. Able to forcibly control anything with a brain, they use them to bridge the species gap. Upon finding prey, it will attempt to 'connect' with them through a form of Glass, enslaving it to its will. It will use enslaved victims to generate a psychic barrier around itself and to understand the creatures it is dealing with better. It will relay this information along the Glass pathways and to nearby Entanglers. They have developed a Connective cortex, rich in psychic potential.   Technopath: Created from successful entangling of prey electronics. It can both control hardware and software, heavily damaging and often converting electronics to the Entanglers. It uses electricity as its main power, both offensively and defensively. Offensively, it will use lightning in the form of directed strikes, radiating waves around itself, or a ball of it appearing wherever it looks. Concentrating on a bit of technology, it can corrupt it to its cause. It seems composed of large cubes and shapes, with a single glowing eye at the middle. Defeating this large thing will grant you its Lightning organ, the source of its electrical powers and something vaguely resembling a cobbled together computer.   Consuming Vortex/Protector: An Entangler seemingly made for area denial. It grows on a surface, and can either spit out small, homing balls of energy, or send out large tendrils to pull in prey. Any prey it absorbs successfully is kept inside itself, from which another Entangler can feed from. It digests its victims with normally inert connective matter turning violently unstable and reactionary, eroding at the atomic level and then converting what's left into more of itself.   Corpses: Entanglers don't die so to speak. When they take too much damage, they are rendered inert, with anything they have entangled reforming around the other matter. Without some way to completely destroy the matter, most readily being Recycler tech, it will change. Most simply, other Entanglers can reabsorb their dead, useful for healing or creation of other forms.   Subjugated: When a mimic absorbs a consciousness, it does not always decide to multiply. Instead, it will entangle itself with the host's former body and likely anything near it, turning into a shadowy hybrid. When it does this with a human, the body is mostly reanimated and partially converted to entangler matter. It will have psychic powers and walk with somewhat of a gait.  

Crew members and their functions

  The Trickster: A crew member who is obsessed with creating secret stashes. Whether or not they do it out of boredom or are compelled to, their stashes can be found all across the station. They may have been approached by station smugglers to build some stashes, or they don't visit their stashes often enough that the contraband is snuck in and out without notice. Sometimes for eagle eyes, they mark their locations with a jester's hat. Possible names could be Peng, Heid Kho... Possible locations include
  • Theater Seats that are tracked based on if they are raised or lowered.
  • Dumbbells and Weights that are arranged in a certain order.
  • Bathroom stall doors that are either opened or closed.
  • A museum in which certain displays must be activated in a specific order.
  • A Tool rack set to activate on different arrangements of tools.
  • A library with rearranged books, laptops, or other loan out stuff.
[Concept note] Note: [Alan, please add details]   Alan, I don't know how old any of this stuff in the freezer is. Where did it come from? How old is it? Who made it? All I see is unlabeled potential foodstuffs in an overstuffed freezer. I don't want to serve the head of security a steak older than me, ok?   -Chef [/Concept Note]   Uniform Guide: At this space station, function meets form. A quick glance is all you should need to figure out what a crew member's function is.   Basic: Every suit is designed for utility more than comfort. Often tracking devices are placed into it for constant tracking for security and invasive protocols. They are full body, excluding the head. There is much room left for modularity. Excluding the head, the suit is fully enclosed.   Security: Has studs for quick armor deployment. It has reflective armor for energy weapons and a holographic armor generator.   Engineer: Shoulder attached robotic helper. They also can work as basic repairmen, repairing and maintaining the many systems on the space station.   Volunteer: Its tracking tech is reinforced, and often contains user pacification systems in case one gets too rowdy.  


    Alien Containment: Where the Entanglers are contained, and where all the research for them is as well. It is heavily secured due to the incredible risk of containment breach. It also has interaction chambers where volunteers are sacrificed to make more exotic material, the corpses being recycled. Personnel working here often have to wear mental shielding as the contained Entanglers nip at the ends of their minds, causing insanity and psychosis if untreated.   Volunteer Housing: Where the volunteers are kept. Probably less well kept than the crew quarters, it also has more active surveillance equipment and functions partially as an outer space prison.   Crew Quarters: Where the crew are kept. It ranges from full administrative suites, respectable cabins, and small habitation pods. The habitation pods in emergencies can be sealed and used as an escape pod. The space station crew members between shifts sleep and recreate here.   Cargo Bay: Main area where cargo is handled, mostly supplies. It has multiple floor sections which can raise and lower at will.   Power Plant: Provides power for the entire space station, likely through some kind of nuclear reactor. It also houses the self-destruction protocol of the entire station, being a recycler charge able to absorb most if not all the station in its blast. Possibly this same recycler technology is also used to power the station.   Life Support: Provides heat, air, and water for the station. Bunch of filtration and distribution systems.   Transport System: Allows access to most main areas of the station through a microgravity system. Often used for inter station transportation of materials and personnel.   Prototype Laboratory: Where most of the technology aboard the station was first conceptualized. It resembles a warehouse, with plenty of colored lines to make sure one can find an important area.


    Flying Helper Bots: With a rectangular box of a body, an interfacing sphere resembling an eye, an onboard computer, and a set of integrated tools, these are integral to the function of the station. They supplement the human crew members. Mostly made on demand from fabricators, they can be customized readily, but most use standardized bodies and Ai Cores. Some are single function, with room for only one main tool, while others are larger and can house multiple tools.
  • Janitor: With built in Recycler technology, It flies around to the station's trash cans and recycles the junk within them. When full or on rotation, it deposits them into the supply chain, restarting the cycle. It either scoops up trash into its extra spacious body for processing, or uses a stripped down and smaller version of a recycler to convert on the spot.
  • Engineering: It has a full toolkit within itself and high tolerances. It can easily maneuver tight spaces. It will wander around and fix broken tech if need be. Destroying one yields a general repair kit in addition to usable spare parts and a Helper Core.
  • Psychic Science: It fires balls of energy designed to disrupt and inhibit psychic potential. It is designed for scientific recollection and experimentation, but also with containment procedures should an Entangler escape.
  • Medical: Equipped with an array of surgical tools and medical knowledge. It is the most sociable with a trial and error bedside manner program.
  • Security: While mostly spawning from specialized fabricators, the plans are in every fabricator, activated in serious emergencies. They are more armored and durable, and are often equipped with a long-range mining laser that has been stripped down for easy replication and modified for more damage.
  • Emergency: Brightly painted and equipped with a foam sprayer.
  • Mimicked: These mimics have advanced enough to nearly mimic certain operators. They are often able to project a near-perfect copy of their uncorrupted selves, but this will dissipate after an ambush attack on their prey or being attacked. Killing them results in them reverting back to a form of mimic, likely with a Computerized Heart organ, which is the Entanglers way of entangling a species technology.
Mining laser: A powerful laser that strips items down to the molecular level and transports them back to the weapon itself. However, this does not lift much, but it does make ore easier to obtain.   Turret: Stationary robots meant for easy fabrication. Large Helper bots can deploy them.   Recyclication: A wondrous technology that can turn just about anything into another thing. It is composed of both a Recycler and a Fabricator. The recycler part breaks down any object into material cubes purpose made for the Fabricator. Using these cubes and fabrication plans, a Fabricator can create anything. While much faster than conventional manufacturing, the items often are noticeably less durable, and this problem compounds with the complexity of said object.   Foam Launcher: It fires multi-purpose foam, used to plug leaks, insulate electrical hazards, extinguish fires, and encase hostiles. It can fire both accurately or with a wall of fire. It cannot stick to itself, however.   Coil gun/Gauss Rifle: Fires a small round at very high speeds, capable of penetrating armor. Composed of several barrels, it fires them either one by one or all at once.   Shock Blaster Pistol: Built for space, it has built in suppression technology to be softer on the hearing. Rather than firing traditional bullets, it can fire what amount to advanced taser rounds. In a pinch, it can also temporarily power doors and other items. The rounds it fires are comparable to lower calibers, offering quieter operation but limited stopping power and raw damage potential. It is easy to fabricate however.  

Gameplay Mechanics

  Stability Points: The simulation is unstable, but stability points are the main way to stabilize it.   Good Points: Good points stabilize one part of the simulation to the benefit of the player, whether it be in working condition, a source of loot, or a helpful ally.   Unknown Points: Unknowns are essentially the lack of either a good or a bad point of stability. Whatever it is tied to could be good, could be bad, could be in the middle, it is unknown.   Bad Points: These add some good points for every known bad point. Bad points mean broken or missing items, or tough enemies.


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