
They are sea creatures who have hard skin to protect themselves from predators. They are brown with orange strips on their stomach.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Skarasen’s live in water and are mainly found in oceans but occasionally can be located in big enough lakes.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Families travel together. If the group has no children it’s just the mates or one Skarasen. The young stay close to their father and mother before hunting on their own when they reach the age of 10.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

They produce a white liquid which is used in drinks by the local clans. The liquid tastes like milk but is a little bit more sweet.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They live in oceans and large lakes near Ostana which borders the Bottomless ocean and the Vesa Lake in [area]
by TheDoctor292
30 years
Average Length
32 ft
Dietary Needs

Cover image: by TheDoctor292


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