Remnant neonphage Maxwell and Hotoka Grow in Power

Maxwell and Hotoka Grow in Power

Financial Event


In the Backdrop of all these wars and conflicts, the Money of the Strong and Powerful is what finances it all. Weapons Deals and Development, Technological distribution and development and many Government Contracts grow the two major Allies to the House Administration. Maxwell grows its power through brutal oppression and blunt violence against others while Hotoka acts as a Kraken, wrapping itself around the valves of power. It becomes increasingly impossible to not give them money through an ever-growing list of companies owned by them and those that aren't are taken up by the other minor conglomerates like the Song Corporation.
  Companies start calling the shots in what gets built and how and the line between them and organised crime becomes so blurred there may not even be a difference any more. As a symptom, corruption and Crime spreads like wildfire through the weakened states.
  Money talks in Neo America, and it has never sung louder then it does now.

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