The English Language Language in Remnant Neonphage | World Anvil

The English Language

English language, West Germanic language of the Indo-European language family that is closely related to the Frisian, German, and Dutch (in Belgium called Flemish) languages. English originated in England - Source: Britannica   Since the 2020's the language has shifted quite a bit, many of the trends that existed in the 2020's persisted long into the 2070's and is on a definite track to continue that way long after the 2070's. Much of the trends are dictated by online course which is heavily influenced by Ghettoized African Americans and other extremely impoverished demograhpics.   One major difference is the inclusion of other words from other languages being understood and spoken as a form of English. This is due to a significant decrease in education coverage from the 2020's. With Education for the poor being largely communal, it is very common to hear phrases and words from Spanish or Japanese and as a primarily English speaker, understand what the person is saying.  


Many 2020's pieces of slang and phrases and what not still persist today in the 2070's and it's not uncommon to hear online slang and phrases uttered in the real world. Another inspiration of Slang and phrases is pop culture references from recent and classic fictional works.   Lol - Laugh out loud
Troll - Someone taking another for a spin, being unserious with the intent to mislead. Rage baiting for laughs.
  Simp- Someone who unsustainably gives onto something or someone else, for no other reason then to get attention. No longer used simply to describe someone over giving and over servicing a woman they're interested in.
  Mate - Import from Australia, means friend or buddy. Most often used by Slum residents.
  Slummer - Someone poor, can't afford decent or higher class housing. Derogatory when used by Rich and privileged individuals.
  Corp Rat- Inspired by Cyberpunk's 'Corpo', means someone who willingly serves a company. used specifically on those aware of a Companies evils but keeps working at the company anyway. Also often used for Corporate apologists and such like that. Rat is also a shortened version of it, with others using words like Crat, which is a fusion of C from corp and Rat.
  Old Corp - Describes a company from before WW3, seen more favorably then newer companies. Characterized by their lack of independence and power, used as tools by the government to make money.
  New Corp - Describes a large Mega company that came to power during or after WW3, often hated. Characterized by toxic work practices, extortionate policies and practices. Often Militarized and often responsible for some form of oppression or problem. They are also far, far ,far more independent then old Corps.
  Gob piece - Altered version of mouth piece, using gob instead which is far easier to say. Some still use mouth piece. It means someone who speaks for agenda they may not necessarily believe in themselves.
  Vamp - Often referred to as a type of mutant. Vampires are routinely called Vamps, it's easier and quicker to say.
  Working Girl - Polite way of referring to any type of Sex worker, most workers prefer this to other alternatives. If applied to a Man or a Non binary then it's 'Working Boy' and 'Working Non-Bine'
  Based - Normally means something is good or if applied ironically, Cringe. Saying based after someone's statement can be understood as agreement with said statement.
  Cringe - Something that comes off unironically cheesy, badly done. Low quality  or just all around terrible. Whatever makes you physically retract from whatever is said or shown to you can be referred to as cringe.   Silverhand - A potent reference to Cyberpunk's Johnny Silverhand. Used on rockers or any musician who tries to use their music to spread a revolutionary message. Often something radical and potentially violent.
  Robo Cop - Common name for police officers, referencing the hyper militarized and violent methods used by Robo cop in the cult classic. Can be shortened to "Robo's".
  Anderson - A Reference to Matrix, means someone who is trying to act outside the system. Cause a disturbance or rebel against some form of institution or organization or cause.
  Synth - Means synthetic, when referred to a human it can mean two things. it can mean a Android, a robotic slave or it can mean a Cyborg whose replaced so much of themselves. They're no longer considered a true organic being.
  Spider Guy/girl - Refers to as someone who is very kind or altruistic. A Reference to Marvel's spiderman and his quirky nice nature. Can also be used to call someone smart. 
  Eagle Drone - Used to describe an under cover agent, sleeper agent or Informant for the Government. Can be shortened to "Eag Drone"
  Non-Bine - A very short version of Non Binary, can be used for coding talk but is often used for Pronouns. Reception can be mixed depending on the Non binary individual in question.
  Nancy - A 2070's version of Karen, except now explicitly refers to a middle aged woman who is not just annoying and demanding but also tends be conservative and conspiratorial. Can just be used for annoying and demanding individuals as well as be used in a gender neutral manner.
  A Regular Peterson - A reference to Jackson Peterson, a famous 2020's philosopher and often associated with the Man-o-sphere.  It means someone who tries to use fictional or religious texts to justify a real world idea with no basis in reality. Can be shortened to just "A peterson". 
  Stan - Pretty much the same as Fan, except almost more often used then fan these days. Stans are excitable fans who you can't have any real connection with, as they worship you. A Fan now refers to as someone who likes your work but is capable of maintaining composure in your presence and maintain the ability to say no.
  Two Face - Still means as it did in the 2020's, still often describing someone who is deceitful
  Hacker - Someone who exploits machines and systems without implants or fancy tech. Instead using other computers to do the task, inputting the code them selves. 
  Netrunner - basically a hacker who also does it with Implants, in VR and directly interacts with the Data. Often thought of as more skillful then a hacker.
  Patsy - Someone who takes the fall for something or someone when they really don't have meaningful involvement or whose punishment does little in the way of justice.
  Runner - Anyone who delivers anything, can also be used for Androids.
  Classical American - Refers to someone as Rowdy, loud, Freedom loving or defiant in any manner. Could be a point of pride, or a total insult depending on the American.
  Neo American - Refers to as someone who is compliant, Reserved, Conformist and always polite, insult or compliment status remains 50/50 depending on the American. 
  Commie - Means Communist, it can also be incorrectly applied to Socialists or any flavor of ideology who advocates for similar things as socialism.
  Anti Patriot - Someone who is considered against the Government in (according to the government) so doing against the country. 


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