The American War Machine in Remnant Neonphage | World Anvil

The American War Machine

"In a Post Globalist World, to Dominate is to Own." - Asher Ring

  America was once the great power of a Neo Liberal Global Capitalist hegemony but when the unsustainable system inevitably crashed it was not replaced by some great reformist Economy nor was there any great restoration of worker's rights. Nothing better shows this then America's War machine. The city above is Pittsburgh as if to send a giant love letter to the Fallout Franchise in the most twisted way, Henry House turned the entire city into a giant Giga Factory and Steel Mill, reinvigorating it's steel industry.   In Neo America, there are many sights like this, such as the San Diego Ports, a giant port designed to mass produce ships or perhaps Portland, designed to produce billions of USD worth fo renewable technology parts and vehicles.  The great Uranium mines of Canada and Mexico are other examples. Mexico is also a giant hub of agricultural production for America. The American War Machine to keep it's self going invaded sovereign nations.   North America and all of Central America is the example of this, within the great cities are giant prison complexes that imprision millions of people in brutal backwards slave factories. US Companies plunder the wastes for all of it's remaining resources. Ocean life is sacrificed for the sake of Oil and Uranium as well as REMs.   

Factories and Standards

America after 2030 had 7,800 factories now it has 10,093 with all being giga factories where billions of Machines make more machines. Simple jobs such as heating, resource extraction and simple jobs given to slaves to simplify the job of Machines and spare money for machines. Factory workers exist in a dystopian quagmire of bureaucracy and terrible contracting laws and lack the ability to fight back.   Giant Work camps are forced to produce billions of products every year with many prisoners dying in accidents, executions and worse. There is also no guarantee that factory workers themselves are not manufactured as Replicants, in fact entire generations of them could be made positions filled. In Pre War America, Unionizing was kept down by lawyers, contracts and unlawful enforcement of law.    In Post War America, Imperial Guardsmen beat down and suppress such things with violent force. Pickett Lines aren't broken up by police but by Private Military or service members of the US Imperial Guard. There is no unionizing in a system with the full legal authority and capability to erase you, your entire family and life and not face a single lost dollar in worth or value. In post War America, you exist because the War Machine says you must and it can take that away any second.  

Production Quality and Volume

Traditionally slave economies perform worse when compared to Free ones but in this dystopian world the ambitious Capitalist Masters and Government regulators have created one of the most terrifying and effective slave economies in the world. Through the use of brain washing, memory replacement, worker replacement, atomization of class solidarity and propaganda the Slavers have all the tools they need to whip populations into complete blind obedience.    To Meet Quotas and Production Standards, Factory owners run carefully curated systems with behavioral examination AI technologies that enable factories to quickly identify and purge problem employees. Your basic rights are over written, if you need to pee while working the machine you're expected to either hold it or pee yourself until you have completed your task or face contract termination which could probably result in the termination of your life.   How this is possible is through the use of Contracts and Economic desperation, you may sign your life away as well as your very soul to ensure your family still have food on the table. You may be fleeing desperation from American wastelands and are an 'illegal immigrant' from them and desperately need money for basic amenities. Because you lack any sort of right to a lawyer, most people have to read and sign contracts themselves.   People want to survive and the War Machine uses this against them, you do not want to fall behind in your tasks or sabotage parts and pieces because it could mean the total erasure of everything you love. As a Factory owner you don't want to threaten the system either as the loss of sponsorship from your company or government agency will result in the loss of all your money, the demotion of your entire family and possibly could cost you your life.    As a Lawyer your entire existence hinges on sponsorship, if you are seen as Anti Corporate or Anti Patriotic you will lose sponsorship, get disbarred and could lose your life.  The system suppresses all attempts of change and even when you violently and justly resist, the American War Machine is so immense you might just get crushed anyway. That is because the US  military is several times larger then it was in WW3 with quadruple the times of Equipment and supply.   This means parts are always on time, they're reasonably reliable and highly protected and extremely profitable. Post War America made slavery cheap, profitable, reliable and most of all so digestible. People outside of factory life still debate whether it is slavery. After all if you're paid how can you possibly be a slave? Right?  

Logistics and Mobility

In order to ship the immense volume of Equipment and Ammo and much more America depends on Air convoys, High Speed rail and shipments as well as Sub Orbital Flight. Train ways are still the single most reliable way to transfer masses of equipment. This is because train ways are always in the same spots meaning it's defenders have easier time tracking incoming attacks. Giga Cargo Ships are so immense that keeping them along side your fleets during patrols is easy and the US Navy and Coast Guard can easily oversee safe transfer of billions of USD worth of supply and equipment to anywhere they want.    More often then not, Train Robberies are the preferred way of stealing American Product, by ambushing trains in the Vast American Wastes. Raiders, Rebels and Native Tribes are able to pluck some resources and worth from the colossal train ways as many times the defense systems over burden themselves. With the need to feed billions of people and vast stretches of land it's easy to see how Train Robberies went from Western Movie clichés to a every day part of life.   Still even with sabotage and robbery accounted for, the American War Machine can quickly transfer ridiculous amounts of assets to and from any place they desire and have the capability of defending it in enough of a capacity to almost never worry about the stuff being stolen, even if they will still chase it and kill anyone to get it back. When it comes to space Sub Orbital Flights or space craft can also be used.    The big reason it is not used is partly out of cost, Commercial flights now exist but to ship that much product still requires too much money to ever truly do it. Still, Sub Orbital Flights are fairly reliable as America has air superiority in most fields challenged only by US Remnants or by the RAF.  

Resources and Acquisition 

In a Post Globalist World, how is it does America gain what it needs? Conquest, America competes for pacific and Oceanic land masses all the time but within it's solid Dominion lies a wealth of resources ripe for exploitation. See in Post War America there is no EPA, there is no lobby for Green Economies. The fact that some species is endangered or that some environmental harm may follow is never even vaguely considered. If a resource is somewhere, The War Machine will plunder it and kill everyone who resists.    This ruthless pursuit of resources is the leading cause to the erasure of life in the American Wastes and why everything is so dry outside of Climate Change and Nuclear War. In a Post Fossil Fuels Economy, Rare Earth Materials such is Lithium, Copper and Silicone are life blood materials. Nuclear materials are also highly sought after to fuel the nuclear economy. Water is highly sought after, leading to massive rivers and dams getting sucked dry for it's water.   Oil is still integral, while not used to produce power, Oil is still needed for plastics, synthetic materials and as a lubricant and much more. So Giant Oil rigs still exist though Oil spills are a thing of the past as such things are highly wasteful but fracking? Reckless mining? Still alive and well. Even the Carbon excess surviving fossil fuels industries produce is a product to be sold via the conversion of Carbon into Oxygen. Clean breathable oxygen is a excellent commodity to sell.   As such Fossil Companies are extremely profitable Air cleaning corps as well, producing the machines and infrastructure needed to clean the air of certain American Cities all while choking and suffocating the world outside. Another resource gathered by the American War Machine albeit a bit more secretly is Anomalies, secret factories produce anomalous weapons and goods from definitely not ethical means.    Fell Incorporated extracts components known as Ether from areas with weak Cosmic stability to use for Elixirs to give soldiers unnatural near magical abilities. Anomalous creatures are captured by AIB to study and then use for the American War Machine. Nothing is sacred, everything has use, no matter it's danger.  

Warfare and Profiteering

One way this all pays for it's self is contracting and lucrative deals as well as new resources for American Companies to utilize, For instance the Middle East and Africa are still fought over with foreign Imperial Powers and while American Dominance is at an all time low in both regions they still make massive bank selling weapons to warlords and assisting rival factions in damaging Chinese and Russian Dominance of the region.    Even getting a transcontinental Slave Trade started back up and thriving between North America and Africa. There is also plenty of war still to be had within America's own borders and against SATO with constant engagements keeping demand and profit at an all time high. Weapons Sales are always profitable as well as the proliferation and use of Nuclear weapons and other M.A.D weapons to boost ever more profits.   If you thought the Dread of Nuclear annihilation and it's actual occurrence in WW3 warned Post War Governments of the dangers? You'd be wrong, Greed and Opportunity always speaks louder then history. The War Machine is always looking for the next big weapon whether it is orbital cannons to erase entire countries or new biological plagues to unleash on their enemies or if it is to build the next big world ending nuke and make massive bank off it's end of the world capabilities. Money is always ready to be made.


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