Anonymous Organization in Remnant Neonphage | World Anvil


"Neo America, Ancient Supremacy, New Ashen World"


Anonymous is a legacy movement from the 2010's that fought for Net Independence and against Tyrannical governments around the world. This fight continues in the 2070's and has been labeled as a Terrorist Group with a Kill-on-Sight order placed on every member, no matter their race, gender, age or any other factor. The group has become the world's moist iconic Netrunners running a consistently successful cyber revolution against the government.   It was once a non violent advocacy group but the time of peace full resistance has long since past since the installment of President House and the rise of the Neo Democratic Regime. The group is wide spread across multiple still functioning rebel groups and even has members in government, aiding in Crypto Rebel activities, as well as help the creation of anti regime material and the spread of Historical facts and anti propaganda.   It was not always like this though, in the 2010's it was a disorganized de-centralized group that doesn't have organized Rebel cells like it does in the 2070's. Anonymous used to protest peacefully with a few exceptions, groups engaged in their own activities and had various ideologies. It was sought after by many government agencies for reasons both legitimate and illegitimate, it was a group of the 2010's and was ironically grey and opaque just like everything in the pre war era.   It is quite different these days....  

Operation and Tactics

Operating in a network of nebulous connections the group operates in cells of Netrunners who perform a long list of tasks, from hacking, to Vigilantism, to smuggling and to Railroading for slaves from prisons. in the past where there was signs and megaphones there is now guns and body armour, Cells can organize into gangs of Armed rebels to attack government facilities, company sites and commit Cyber Terrorism against the two factions, shutting down critical infrastructure and robbing billions of dollars.   Often fading like ghosts afterwards, making capturing them difficult, in recent years Anonymous members now ingest cyanide pills when captured to protect their friends and to spare themselves of the horrendous torture they'd be put under if captured alive.   Acts of terrorism still occur such as bombing's and hostage taking but other cells of anonymous often hunt down Rogue terrorists and kill them or get them killed. Believing that anonymous should never aim a gun at the citizens and only government and corporate property and combatants. After hitting a target, Anonymous leaves behind various phrases graffitied onto the buildings or on the screens of victimized computers and networks such as "Remember, Remember the 5th of November" or "A World Without Borders" or "Give me Liberty or give me Death"  


  When armed Protests do occur, often in less controlled spots in cities, they tend to black block. Wearing all black with red, white or silver streaks of colour and all wear guy Fawkes masks some with glowing eyes and neon highlights. They often move in large groups, holding signs and screaming loud, when attacked they often disappear with stragglers engaging in desperate fire fights against Imperial Guard to cover the escape of other members and if captured, killing themselves.   Protests are not as common anymore, due to the Kill-on-Sight order placed upon them.  


  Recruiting online or in Crypto Dives, hidden bars for Internet criminals. Anonymous does not deny anyone entry, even top government officials have their own cells they can aid and support, with everything compartmentalized it is hard to track down groups. The fact that Sapient Mutants even ones identified as Vampires or Werewolves can join as well as replicants gives Anonymous vast numbers where no one truly knows.  

Music and Media

producing Anti State, Anti Authoritarian punk music, Anonymous helps spread their cause through the use of music and jingles as well as posters and deep web communities as well as crypto messaging in the public space. Changing year by year and redefining things endlessly to avoid detection. This is why they bleed over into other movements as the Retroist rock movement and other retroist punk music genres that go to inspire other Rebels to Resist, this is intentional.   Anonymous seeks to inspire the masses to revolt en masse against the government, being successful with movements like the Minutemen or the Black Panthers and inspiring groups like Antifa to continue their fight.  


Where before Anonymous had no central ideology outside of Anti Authoritarianism, the group has developed a large left wing contingent with a heavy Anarchist or Libertarian Leaning. The group of the 2070's blames the existence of states for the nightmarish world they find themselves in wishing to abolish the way states exist and create a community orientated system. Other variants are socialist or syndicalist which have more wide spread support from the populace.   Even they believe that the old system was slanted to inevitably result in world dictatorship and that the states of the future must be different for the sake of humanity's future and all other life. believing things like fascism to be actual existential threat to human existence on this planet. There is also a radical Ecologist slant in the group, blowing up oil fields, taking out mass slaughter Houses and even capturing and killing giant business moguls.   Collectively Anonymous believes it's fight to be less political and more of a violent struggle against the forces of entropy, despite flaws in messaging and their new Violent nature it is hard nto to also see how bad things have gotten.

"We will Never Forget, We will Never Forgive."

Founding Date
June 10th, 2010
Social, Activist
Alternative Names
Legacy of Internet Anarchists | Those who Remember | The Retroist Rebellion of the Net | Netrunners
Often found at the edge of the Internet, the old group still posts racy propaganda posts and often has various classified intelligence attached to it. There is a decidedly anti authoritarian edge to the group.  
Spaces where hackers could very between cool and sci fi and very high tech, to mundane dark room, with a command prompts and code feeds telling them whats going on. Hackers comes in many shapes and forms, from people who put USBs into machines for money, to a dedicated Netrunners with a fully built set up and Q-bit resistant encryption. Anonymous specifically is one of the most diverse groups with some operatives having access to government or corporate computers for their jobs.  
Members of Anonymous in the 2070's often feel as if they're the only ones paying attention, as if the world is just blindly marching to oblivion.


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